A postscript on Anne Marie Waters and Dispatch International

Anne Marie Waters (2)We have already run two pieces on National Secular Society council member and One Law For All spokesperson Anne Marie Waters and her involvement with the notorious “counterjihad” publication Dispatch International (see here and here).

However, it’s also worth noting that Waters’ new role as a contributor to DI has gone down very well elsewhere in the “counterjihad” network. Here is George Igler congratulating Ingrid Carlqvist on her recruitment of such a well-known figure from the secularist movement:

George Igler congratulates DI on recruiting Waters

Carlqvist we have previously introduced – she is co-editor of DI and a firm proponent of the view that western civilisation is being dumbed down as a result of “huge immigration from low IQ countries”. But who is George Igler?

Well, he may not be a household name, even among English Defence League supporters, but Igler is a not insignificant player on the international “counterjihad” scene. Not only is he an enthusiastic admirer of EDL leader Stephen Lennon, who he describes as “the bravest man it has ever been my privilege to meet”, but, as Hope Not Hate has reported, it was Igler who co-ordinated efforts to raise financial backing for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s appeal against the home secretary’s decision to ban them from entering the UK earlier this year.

Hope Not Hate has also pointed out that Igler was a prominent participant at the Geller-Spencer “Stop Islamization of Nations” hate-fest in New York in September 2012. He can be seen in the photo below, sharing the platform with Geller, Spencer and Lennon.

Such are the circles in which Anne Marie Waters is moving these days. Yet we still haven’t heard a word of criticism from the National Secular Society or from One Law For All, despite the latter organisation having devoted an entire pamphlet to arguing that the likes of Geller, Spencer and the EDL should be treated as “enemies not allies”.

Geller, Spencer, Igler and Lennon at SION