BBC is too scared to allow jokes about Islam, says Ben Elton

Comedian Ben Elton has said the BBC is too “scared” to poke fun at Islam. He accused the broadcasting company of allowing programmes to run jokes about Christianity and vicars. However, he claimed bosses were too politically correct and worried about a negative backlash to do the same about imams. In an interview, Mr Elton, 48, who admits he has little religious faith, said: “I believe part of that is due to the genuine fear that the authorities and the community have about provoking the radical elements of Islam.” Mr Elton’s comments appeared in Third Way, a Christian culture magazine.

Daily Mail, 2 April 2008

Update:  Elton has received the endorsement of the BNP – and also of an extreme right-wing blogger rejoicing in the entirely appropriate name of Fulham Reactionary.