Bin Laden is the true representative of Islam, says Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Yet another interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who states: “Bin Laden defined the world into Muslims and non-Muslims, and these had to either be converted or killed. I asked myself where I stood after I saw the pictures of people jumping out of the World Trade Center. As a Muslim I had to ask if I agreed with that. I was saddened to see Bin Laden’s citations were from the Koran and were consistent with the Islam I grew up with.”

She adds: “The 74 per cent of Muslims under 24 who said in a survey that women should wear the veil and want Sharia law to be introduced have gone for the consistency that Bin Laden offers.”

Asked if she sees any positive sides to Islam, she replies: “That’s like asking if I see positive sides to Nazism…”

Metro, 5 February 2007

For Yusuf Smith’s comments, see Indigo Jo Blogs, 5 February 2007