Blair backs banned Muslim scholar

tariq_ramadan (1)A Muslim scholar accused by critics of sympathising with violence has been appointed to a government taskforce attempting to root out Islamic extremism in Britain, the Guardian has learned.

Professor Tariq Ramadan has been banned from entering the United States and France because of his alleged views supporting violence, allegations he strongly denies. He faced a campaign of vilification from rightwing British newspapers, and last night some saw his inclusion on the group as evidence of the government’s willingness to stand up to the tabloids.

Guardian, 31 August 2005

See also Islam Online, 31 August 2005

Mike Whine, spokesman for the Jewish Community Security Trust which monitors alleged Muslim extremists, said: “It’s a strange choice given his past statements which some have viewed as being anti-Jewish. Some of our community view him as extreme. He speaks with two voices, one for his European audience which appears moderate, and one for his Arab hinterland where he voices many of the demands of Islamists. He is at the soft end of the Islamist extreme spectrum.”

That would be the same Mike Whine who signed up to the anti-Qaradawi “Community Coalition”, would it?