‘British Muslims told: it’s right to fight Israel’ shock

“Jewish groups were furious last night after a firebrand Islamic academic told an 8,000-strong Muslim rally that martyrdom in Israel was ‘just’.” Daily Express, 21 August 2006

“A British-based Muslim radical appeared to back suicide bombing yesterday when he claimed that dying for your beliefs was ‘just’. Dr Azzam Tamimi told an 8,000-strong crowd that standing up for your principles was the ‘greatest act of martyrdom’.” Daily Mail, 21 August 2006

The right-wing press reports on Dr Azzam Tamimi’s speech at the ExpoIslamia convention in Manchester.

Yet it is only a couple of weeks since the Times published an article glorifying a young British Jew who went to Israel to fight with the IDF: “despite his Leeds accent, Ben is an Israeli soldier. He is also cradling an Israeli-army issue Colt AR15 semi-automatic rifle stamped ‘Property of US Govt’. Ben, 26, who arrived in Israel last year, is one of thousands of those serving in the Israeli military either as newly arrived citizens or on army programmes for Zionists who want to defend Israel”.

Talk about double standards.