Charlton man threatened to ‘kill all Muslims’ after Lee Rigby death

A 48-year-old alcoholic with a history of mental health issues threatened a fellow Charlton resident with a knife and threatened to “kill all Muslims”, days after Lee Rigby’s death.

John Killeen was staying in a hostel on Anchor and Hope Lane on May 26 when the incident happened, Woolwich Crown Court heard on September 25. At around 1pm, one resident heard loud banging and shouting. Mr Killeen was yelling: “Black c**t, you’re in a white man’s house. I’m going to kill all the Muslims.”

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Man who attacked hijab-wearing woman in Times Square not charged with assault

Rachel Gunnoe, a stay-at-home mom from New Jersey, was in a Times Square on Saturday, taking part in a demonstration against the military coup in Egypt, when she was accosted by a man who grabbed her protest sign, threw it in her face, and called her a “fucking terrorist.”

Her assailant, identified by the NYPD as Atef Sabry Abu El Enin, 33, of Washington D.C., was quickly restrained by officers but, the Voice has learned, he was not charged with assault.

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Man accused of plot to blow up mosques and Islamic centres

A man accused of making improvised explosives and plotting to blow up mosques and Islamic centres will stand trial next year.

Ian Forman, 41, of Shavington Avenue in Prenton, Birkenhead has been charged with engaging in the conduct in the preparation of terrorist acts on or before 6 June. He was remanded in custody at the Old Bailey until a hearing on 14 January when he will be asked to enter a plea. His trial has been set for 3 March. The location of the trial has not been confirmed.

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Former soldier from Livingston admits racist Facebook outburst over death of Lee Rigby

A former soldier from Livingston posted furious messages on a Facebook page urging people to “behead ragheads” on the day Drummer Lee Rigby was brutally murdered. Ex-infantryman Paul Fisher – who served two tours of duty in Iraq – claimed he was venting his anger following the killing outside Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, London.

Livingston Sheriff Court heard the 28-year-old – who suffers from combat stress – went on to the “Stop Destroying Our Armed Forces” Facebook page after being told soldiers were being banned from wearing their uniforms in public. Police officers in North Yorkshire who were monitoring the site – which had over 18,000 members – spotted the post and passed the information on to their colleagues in Scotland.

Fisher, who was described as having an “exemplary” service record in the army, admitted that his racist message was “intended to incite others to carry out serious violence and kill others”.

Fiscal depute Catherine Knowles, prosecuting, said Fisher told cops who asked who he was referring to in his posts that they were aimed at “extremists”.

She said: “When asked about posting to behead people he said that he did that out of anger but understood the gravity of the post and that people reading it would get the wrong impression. He was asked about the term ‘ragheads’ and stated this was an Army term from when he served in Iraq. He stated on a number of occasions he was not a racist.”

Fisher, of Dedridge, Livingston, appeared for sentence last week after earlier pleading guilty to committing a breach of the peace by his use of social media on May 22.

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Ontario: Young woman leaving mosque is assaulted – attackers demanded ‘Isn’t it against your religion to be out here?’

A teenage girl roughed up by a trio of girls while walking from the mosque on Geneva St. says she always felt safe in the community until now. The 17-year-old received a bump on her head, scrapes and minor injuries to her hands and nose after the confrontation. “I’ve never seen them in my life,” she said. “I felt safe walking by myself.”

Niagara Regional Police said the teen was walking on the sidewalk at Geneva Square parking lot just before 6 p.m. on Sept. 17 when three girls walking behind tried to pass, made a comment, got in an argument and pushed and hit her. The three girls ran away.

Two 16-year-old girls have since been charged with assault in relation to the incident. A third female youth was not charged. Their identifies are protected by the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

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East London Mosque evacuated after bomb threat

East London Mosque and LMC

At approximately 12.00pm today the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre management was contacted by police, alerting us to a possible bomb threat.

The entire complex was evacuated safely, whilst mosque staff assisted police in checking for any suspicious packages.

The buildings were declared safe an hour later, just before the midday prayers. Dilowar Khan, our Executive Director, later informed worshippers to report any suspicious behaviour or packages to staff.

We remain vigilant in the face of such threats.

East London Mosque news report, 25 September 2013

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CCIF welcomes conviction for online threat against Muslims

CCIF Stop Islamophobia

The Collectif contre l’Islamophobie en France reports on the conviction of an individual who posted an anti-Muslim hate message on the website of Le Figaro in 2011. The court imposed a one-month suspended prison sentence and a €1680 fine.

The message read: “… as for the Muslims who increasingly provoke the indigenous French with their shit halal meals … I advise them to immediately stop these provocations or leave France as soon as possible and return to their Muslim countries if they don’t know how to live in harmony with other religions, otherwise they will eventually only have the choice of the suitcase or the coffin as was the case for the ‘pieds noirs’ in the ’60s.”

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Norwegian mosques targeted with arson threat, anti-Muslim banner and pig’s head

Fredrikstad alltid en wiener for en muslim

An anonymous group has threatened to unleash a campaign of mosque burnings across Norway, in an email sent last week to the World Islamic Mission Mosque. “Before 2013 is over, all mosques in Norway be burned to the ground,” the email read. “We are a group of men who have planned this for seven years.”

Ghulam Sarwar, Chairman of the Norway branch of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, an international Muslim organisation, dismissed the threat. “I think this is just some crazies who want attention,” he told TV2.

But the email was one of a several anti-Muslim actions that took place over the last week, leading Oslo Police to arrange an emergency meeting with the country’s Islamic Council on Monday.

On Friday morning, before Muslims came to pray, a huge banner of a sausage was erected outside a mosque in Fredrikstad, with the inscription “Always a wiener for a Muslim” written on it. Then on Saturday, a severed pig’s head was found outside Norway’s largest mosque, Central Jamaat-e Ahl-e Sunnat, in Oslo.

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Sikh professor beaten up, attackers shouted ‘get Osama’ and ‘terrorist’

Prabhjot SinghA Columbia University professor was assaulted on Saturday night in what police say is being investigated as a hate crime.

According to a New York Police Department source, Dr. Prabhjot Singh, who is Sikh and wears a turban and a beard, was attacked at 8:15 p.m. while walking along 110th Street near Lennox Avenue in upper Manhattan. An unknown suspect or suspects shouted anti-Muslim statements, knocked the professor down and punched him numerous times in the face.

Simran Jeet Singh, a student and friend of Dr. Singh, visited the victim at Mt. Sinai Hospital where he is recovering from several severe but non-life-threatening injuries. According to Simran Jeet Singh, Dr. Singh said that during the attack the assailants shouted “get Osama” and “terrorist.”

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New York: Muslim woman assaulted, called ‘terrorist’ at pro-democracy rally

The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) today reported an apparently bias-motivated assault on a New Jersey Muslim woman taking part in a pro-democracy rally in Times Square on Saturday.

CAIR-NY reports that the woman, who wears an Islamic headscarf (hijab), was called an “f**king terrorist” during the assault. The incident and the arrest of the alleged perpetrator were caught on video.

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