EDL member boasts about anti-Muslim vandalism

Diane ScrimshawEDL News reports that an English Defence League member named Diane Scrimshaw – one of the few in Essex who has remained loyal to the EDL leadership – one of the few in Essex who has remained loyal to the EDL leadership – has been boasting on Facebook about the damage she caused to a property in Westcliff-on-Sea owned by the Jaafriya Islamic Welfare Centre.

(The building was allegedly used as a mosque without planning permission, and has been the target of protests by the National Front, the British National Party and Britain First.)

First Scrimshaw appealed to her “edl friends” to inbox her as she had “something planned” for later in the week. She followed this up by posting a photograph of a flattened wall outside the Jaafriya Centre’s building and added: “We went down Southend illegal mosque (just a shame the wall fell down PMSL).”

One of her Facebook friends commented “Vandal!”, to which Scrimshaw replied: “I admit it Richard lol.”

Diane Scrimshaw vandalism

For second time, DMV denies ICUHAJI license plate

ICUHAJI plateAn Iraq war veteran’s quest to recover personalized license plates that some Arab Americans found offensive is not over.

After a judge ruled in November that the Department of Motor Vehicles couldn’t deny a tag on the grounds that it denigrated individuals of a particular nationality, the state has come up with a new reason to revoke Sean Bujno’s ICUHAJI plate.

In a letter from the DMV to Bujno, the agency said the tag – it can be read, “I see you, haji” – condones or encourages violence and is obscene or otherwise vulgar in nature. “That couldn’t be further from the truth,” said Andrew Meyer, Bujno’s attorney. “He really means it respectfully.”

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Arson attack on Thiers mosque

Thiers mosque arsonInaugurated in December 2010, the mosque at Thiers might well not be here today. The website Lamontagne.fr has reported that on Wednesday night one or more individuals attempted to set fire to the boiler room of the building.

Rags soaked in petrol were found at the scene, which leaves no doubt that the intention was to destroy the mosque, said the website.

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Leicester: Thug spat on woman wearing hijab

Leicester hijab assault suspectsA thug spat at a woman in the street apparently because she was wearing an Islamic head scarf. Police have appealed for help tracing the man, who targeted the woman in Humberstone Road, near Leicester city centre.

The 20-year-old woman was walking near to the St Matthews service station when she noticed three young men approaching her. One of them spat on her as they passed by and the three began laughing as they walked away.

Officers have released a CCTV image of three people they want to trace. The incident happened shortly before 1pm on Monday, February 4.

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Chipping Norton: No arrest after mosque threat

CHIPPING NORTON: No one has yet been arrested for a threatening phone call that led to a planned mosque being stopped.

The town’s small muslim community had won permission to open the mosque in a former shop in Hitchmans Mews.

But following the decision landlord Georg Wissinter, 79, received a call saying the mosque would get “very hot” if it went ahead. He pulled out of the scheme on Friday.

Oxford Times, 14 February 2013

See also “Chipping Norton mosque threat claim investigated”, BBC News, 14 February 2013

Plans for Chipping Norton mosque scrapped after threats

A mosque will not open in Chipping Norton after its landlord received a threat that it would be burnt to the ground.

The town’s Muslim community had been celebrating after they won permission to open the permanent home on Monday. But their 79-year-old landlord Georg Wissinter has received a threatening phone call and pulled out of the deal.

He said: “Someone rang up and said if you go ahead with the mosque then it will get very hot. They were saying they would burn it down. I have got people in the flat above [the proposed mosque]. I cannot take the risk.”

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Wilders’ Australia visit inspires far right to threaten violence

White supremacists are urging Australian “patriots” to gather at public meetings by the controversial Dutch MP Geert Wilders, ready for trouble and a no-holds barred fight.

Tensions have been mounting over the impending visit of the far right-wing politician who has been accused of Islamophobia and racism.

One group, Australian New Nation, has been encouraging followers to react to any threat or sign of violence from Muslim protesters who might attend.

On its website, the group has posted an audio from “Radio Free Australia, the voice of white revolution in Australia” warning them to “expect an Islamic rent-a-crowd outside screaming and foaming at the mouth like the evil bastards they are”.

“We encourage all patriots to exercise their legal right of self defence if any ragheads try to prevent them accessing the venue, or threaten, or use violence against their person once they try to strike the first blow, everything that follows is self defence on your part,” it said.

The vitriolic broadcast, which lasts almost 10 minutes, goes on to say, “go . . . and be prepared to defend yourself and if they take a swing at you, they push at you, they spit on you, don’t hold back. You have a legal right of self defence do what should be done to this rag-head camel f— . . . Islamic filth who have no place in civilised society.

Social media sites protesting against Mr Wilders’s visits to Sydney, Melbourne and Perth have also been the target of hate messages.

The Age, 2 February 2013

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Oklahoma City Muslim family members think they were targeted because of their faith

Members of a Muslim family whose house was shot at during a drive-by Thursday evening think they were targeted because of their faith.

Tuesday, a stranger driving by Allie and Maryam Taghavi’s home in southwest Oklahoma City stopped and asked their 21-year-old son the family’s religion.

A large sign hung on the porch and visible from the road said, “as-salamu alaykum,” an Arabic phrase often used by Muslims meaning “peace be with you.”

Without any suspicion, their son told the stranger they were Muslim, Allie Taghavi said. The stranger then drove away.

Then, two days later on Thursday evening, Allie Taghavi was home with three of his adult children when shots were fired around 7:45 p.m. from a car driving south on S Olie Avenue near their home at SW 30. “I screamed when I heard the shots, but it was so rapid … like firecrackers,” he said.

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