Mosque attackers chanted ‘E, E, EDL’, court hears

Kingston anti-Muslim protest (4)
The protest in Kingston that preceded the attack on the mosque

A member of a hooded mob that attacked Kingston mosque hung from the front of the building and tried to pull parts of it off as the violence raged, a court has heard.

Nine men accused of the attack on November 21, 2010, are currently on trial at Kingston Crown Court to deny the charges against them. The attack came hours after a peaceful English Defence League (EDL) rally.

During the violence, 20 to 30 men with their faces covered waved pieces of wood, urinated beneath the minaret and laid bacon on a car, the court heard. The jury have been shown photos of the aftermath which include parts of the sign above the mosque entrance which had been ripped down.

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EDL mob in mosque attack caught on CCTV, court hears

Kingston anti-Muslim protest (4)
The protest that preceded the attack on the mosque

A rowdy, threatening mob that attacked Kingston Mosque with baseball bats and left worshippers inside in fear were caught on CCTV, a court has heard.

Nine men accused of the racially aggravated attack on the mosque on November 21, 2010, appeared at Kingston Crown Court on Tuesday, March 6, to deny the charges against them.

During the violence, 20 to 30 masked and hooded men waved pieces of wood, urinated in the foyer and laid bacon on a car and the mosque, the court heard. A bottle was thrown at a window and a liquid poured on a car, it was alleged.

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Far-right supporters agree with armed attacks

EDL Stoke (3)Significant numbers of far-right supporters in the UK consider violence and “armed conflict” a legitimate form of political expression, experts will warn this week.

The first audit into the attitudes and beliefs of Britain’s rightwing extremists, collated in a report by the thinktank Chatham House, will reveal that there is a “significant level of support” for planned violent attacks.

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Southport man sentenced after racist rant at takeaway owner

Turkish Delight SouthportA young chef hurled racist abuse at a Turkish takeaway owner in a rant he said he was too drunk to remember.

In the barrage of insults against Erhan Yazgan’s race and faith, Darryl Moore, 22, declared: “I hate you and I hate Islamic people”. He continued his vile slurs at the owner of the popular Turkish Delight on Coronation Walk as his rants poured out onto the street outside the shop.

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Australia: man arrested over mosque attack

Newcastle mosque attackNewcastle police say a two-month long investigation combined with information from the community has led to a 25-year-old man being charged over an attack on a local mosque.

Early last month several men tried to kick in the door of the Wallsend mosque after childrens’ scripture classes. A Maryland man will face court in April after being charged with intimidation, causing malicious damage and entering enclosed lands.

Newcastle Crime Manager, Detective Chief Inspector Wayne Humphrey says the investigation is ongoing. “It’s just another example of the public doing the right thing and giving the information to police. The actions of the person are now subject to Court so I can’t comment on those but a lot of crimes are solved by the information from the public being accurate and timely, and in this case it’s been very successful.”

Detective Chief Inspector Humphrey says the incident was caught on CCTV and police used the footage as well information from the public to make an arrest.

“There’ve been enquiries ongoing and as a result of some good information from the public at least one of the persons has been identified and spoken to by police and he’s been issued future court attendance notices,” he said. “We anticipate that another gentleman who could assist us with our inquiries will be spoken to in the coming weeks when he returns from interstate.”

ABC Online, 28 February 2012

Rochdale rioters shouted ‘EDL’

Rochdale protestPolice have stepped up patrols in the Heywood area of Rochdale following violent disturbances which saw officers pelted with bricks and other missiles.

A Greater Manchester Police officer suffered bruising to his legs and arms during the trouble which erupted on Thursday. No other injuries were reported.

Windows were damaged at a fast food outlet, believed to be an Asian takeaway business, in Bridge Street, while three police vehicles and a car belonging to a member of the public were also damaged.

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Another EDL thug gets a CRASBO

John McAndrewOfficers serving with the National Domestic Extremism Unit have spoken of their satisfaction after a man was barred from attending any Islamic-related sites and ordered to steer clear of English Defence League protests.

Woolwich Crown Court was told how John McAndrew had been jailed for a minimum of seven months for affray and common assault in December 2011.

And at a hearing on February 20 2012 he was served with a Conviction-Related Anti Social Behaviour Order (CRASBO). The move means he must now not enter mosques, Islamic cultural centres or Muslim festival sites in Greater London for five years. He is also barred from attending any public demonstration organised by, or in conjunction with the EDL or promote their activities within England and Wales.

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CAIR asks FBI to probe anti-Muslim Facebook death threat

Edward VealThe Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the FBI to investigate a death threat posted on its Facebook page by a person claiming to be in the U.S. military.

A man who says he is an “M1 Abrams Armor Crewman” who lives in Colorado Springs, Colo., threatened to kill others who commented on an article posted Saturday on CAIR’s Facebook page.

In a series of comments on CAIR’s page, “Edward Veal” wrote: “no more islam! i will kill any who try to make my country muslim!. . .especially repliers to this post. . .all muslims are terrorists, they should have no rights at all. . .if i find out who you are, i will find you. . .and remove you!” [Grammatical errors maintained.]

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