Anti-Islamic group moves to stop mosque in Ballarat, Victoria

Restore Australia logoAn anti-Islamic group is mobilising against Ballarat’s first mosque. Restore Australia, which describes Islam on its website as a “aggressive totalitarian political ideology”, plans to letterbox people in Ballarat to “mobilise people to write to the council” to oppose the building of a mosque at 116 Elsworth Street East in Ballarat.

The Islamic Society of Ballarat has purchased the property and been granted a planning permit by the City of Ballarat. The planning permit required amendments to the original plan submitted by the Islamic Society, including changes to car parking to improve disability access and lighting.

Restore Australia chief executive officer Mike Holt said supporters of the group in Ballarat were being organised to protest the building of the mosque. He said Islam was incompatible with the Australian way of life. “Islam wants to bring in sharia law. It doesn’t matter (which branch of Islam) because they all believe in the same Islam, the same prophet Muhammad and the same God Allah,” Mr Holt said.

“A mosque is the thin end of the wedge to Islamise our society. They build a mosque and then more Muslims move in. We’re opposing the mosque on the grounds of a lack of parking, traffic congestion, pollution, and that property prices in the area will come down because of its presence.”

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Geller and Spencer booked for Australian visit

Debbie Robinson with Geller and Spencer
Debbie Robinson of the Q Society with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

Two American anti-Islam activists who were banned from entering Britain are due to speak at a Melbourne conference in March. The Q Society, which brought out Dutch anti-Islamic MP Geert Wilders to Australia last year, has organised the event with the international group Stop Islamisation of Nations (SION).

The location of the first International Symposium on Liberty and Islam in Australia will not be disclosed after violent protests were staged when Mr Wilders appeared in Melbourne last year. Organisers say only that venues will be in the inner city, with a visit to a pub and a cocktail reception at a waterside location on the agenda.

Speakers include SION leaders Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from the US. They were barred from entering Britain last year to speak at an English Defence League rally because their presence was deemed to “not be conducive to the public good”. Ms Geller and Mr Spencer are critics of Islam and staunch supporters of Israel.

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Bendigo, Victoria: group rallies against mosque proposal

Stop the Mosque in Bendigo campaign

A new Facebook page aims to stop the construction of a mosque in Bendigo. The Stop the Mosque in Bendigo page has attracted more than 1700 likes since being created on Saturday.

The administrators of the group did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday and made a post saying they did not want to deal with the inevitable backlash. The page said the media was “aligned with the left and will not give a true and correct report”, and the “about” section said it was not a forum for debate.

“It is for those who don’t not want a mosque in Bendigo for their own reasons,” it said. “We live in a democracy and we are exercising our right to say ‘no’ to what happens in our country. Please like, share and ask the City of Greater Bendigo to show some leadership on behalf of our great country.”

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Islamophobia on the Internet: Major new report exposes online hate targeting Muslims

Islamophobia on the InternetThe Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI), an Australian charity dedicated to the growing problem of online hate, has announced the release of a major new report into the targeting of the Muslim community.

The report, Islamophobia on the Internet: The growth of online hate targeting Muslims, is now available to journalists and bloggers by request. Parts of the report are publicly available on the OHPI website, and the full report will be available on 10 December to mark International Human Rights Day.

The report examines anti-Muslim hate on Facebook and was produced by the OHPI in consultation with the Islamic Council of Victoria. More details here.

Thugs bash Muslim schoolgirl wearing hijab in Melbourne suburb

Teenage thugs bashed a young Muslim girl wearing a hijab in what has been described as a racial attack in Wantirna South.

The high school student was walking home from Westfield Knox along Stud Rd when she was set upon by a group of teenagers, according to Knox councillor Joe Cossari, who said it was a racial attack. The teen was punched to the ground and kicked, but didn’t report the assault to police because she feared ­reprisals, Cr Cossari said.

Councillors condemned the violence after hearing details at a recent ­council meeting.

“We have to defend the right of all citizens so that our people can walk freely without fear,” Cr Cossari told the council meeting. “As a Christian and an Australian I will defend the rights of all religious groups and, in this case, the Muslim brothers and sisters of this municipality.

“To bash up a young girl because of what she was wearing is unacceptable. I will not tolerate this type of activity against any citizens of this municipality or this country. We pride ourselves on ­being a multicultural society, we talk about multiculturalism in our policies, but having this happen on our front door is not acceptable.”

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Q Society’s Islam poll fraud

Debbie Robinson with Geller and Spencer
Q Society president Debbie Robinson with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

The Q Society is a small but vicious organisation, aligned with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s Stop Islamization of Nations, that has dedicated itself to convincing Australia’s non-Muslim population that Islam represents a threat to their country.

The group’s latest stunt has been to commission an opinion poll which is designed to show that a majority of Australians hold a negative view of Islam and those who practise it. The Q Society then issued a press release giving a misleading summary of the poll results that has been uncritically repeated by some mainstream media outlets. ABC News has reported: “The poll included questions asking participants’ opinion about statements such as: ‘Australia is becoming a better place as a result of Islam’ to which 70 per cent responded ‘no’.”

An examination of the full results of the poll, which can found on the Q Society website, shows what a fraudulent exercise this is.

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Sydney conference hears Australian Muslims experience higher rates of racism

ACI 2013 Bklt cvr LRAn international conference on what it means to be an Australian Muslim has heard that most Muslims experience much higher rates of racism than the average Australian.

The two day conference has been organised by Charles Sturt University’s Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, along with the Islamic Sciences and Research Academy Australia.

The Centre’s director, Mehmet Ozalp says the inaugural conference is needed to examine what it means to be an Australian Muslim in the 21st century. He says there is a focus on young people, including the impact of the internet and radical forces.

“There is an identity crisis that always comes with being young but also being a young Muslim makes it even deeper and more profound”, he said. “There are people pulling in different directions but what we found in our research is that by and large Muslims want to integrate into Australia.”

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Racist vandals graffiti Queensland mosque

Cairns mosque graffiti

A mosque in Cairns in far north Queensland has been targeted by vandals. The front of the Cairns North mosque was sprayed with large red letters early yesterday, calling for the worshippers to “integrate” or return to their “homelands”.

Imam Abdul Aziz Mohammed, 81, says he has been involved with the Cairns community for decades and cannot do any more to integrate.

“I’ve lived here in Cairns all my life and this is the first time we’ve ever seen any physical opposition to our religion and basically our family,” he said. “My family’s been here since 1900 and I was shocked, to say the least.”

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Geller and Spencer invent lying story about ‘Muslim mob’ attacking Jewish family in Sydney

Both Garibaldi of LoonWatch and Sheila Musaji at The American Muslim have taken up a disgraceful story, “Australia: Muslim mob severely injures five Jews in an unprovoked anti-Semitic attack”, that was posted by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch and then crossposted by Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs.

Spencer and Geller reproduced an article from the Sydney Morning Herald headlined “Five people hospitalised after brawl in Bondi”, which reported the shocking story of an apparently racist attack on a Jewish family near Sydney’s Bondi Beach.

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