Green Left statement: Senator’s bid to intimidate media & Muslim community is outrageous
Independent newspaper Green Left Weekly today slammed attempts by Liberal Senator Brett Mason in the Senate to inflame anti-Islam sentiment and intimidate a media outlet that opposes this.
Liberal Senator Brett Mason moved a motion in the Australian Senate on September 18 to condemn Green Left Weekly for publishing articles that criticised the NSW police in the September 15 protest by Muslims in Sydney. Justifying the motion, he said: “Is there anything more toxic in the politics of this country than the self-loathing of the Green Left Weekly and the moral vanity of the Australian Left, both beholden as they are, as they always have been, to outmoded notions of political correctness?”
Mason’s motion also sought to place the entire blame for the clashes on “the violence perpetrated by Islamic extremists” – helping fuel an already hysterical campaign against Muslims in the media.