Tony Abbott has defended the need to force people returning from declared conflict zones to prove they were there for legitimate purposes, saying Australian-born fighters were “exultantly holding up the severed heads of surrendering members of the Iraqi security forces”.
The prime minister intensified his rhetoric over planned national security reforms on Wednesday, as some members of the Islamic community warned of the potential for a “witchhunt” against Muslims and of the practical difficulties flowing from the effective reversal of the onus of proof.
Labor remains in a holding pattern, reluctant to express a clear position before a government briefing expected to occur within the next few days, although the shadow attorney general, Mark Dreyfus, said the new criminal offence of travelling to a designated area without a legitimate purpose rang “alarm bells”.
The Greens argued the government was “trashing long-established legal norms”.
There remains uncertainty over elements of the government’s planned reforms, including the range of customer information that internet service providers would be be forced to store under a mandatory data retention scheme. The human rights commissioner, Tim Wilson, handpicked by the federal government to defend freedom, said the proposed data retention scheme was “a very serious threat to privacy”.
Abbott announced on Tuesday his plans to broaden the listing criteria for terrorist organisations, lower the threshold for arrest without warrant for terrorism offences, extend police and intelligence agencies’ powers to stop, question and detain suspects, and make it easier for the Australian federal police (AFP) to seek control orders on returning foreign fighters.
The foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, would be able to designate an area where terrorist organisations were conducting hostile activities, such as parts of Iraq and Syria, and it would become an offence to travel to those areas “unless there is a legitimate purpose”.
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