Bristol EDL division denounces the jailing of its members Ben Banfield and Les Silk
Last week the Bristol Post reported that police were investigating threats, posted on the Facebook page of the English Defence League’s Bristol division, to burn down a building that a local Muslim association is proposing to convert into a mosque.
Chelsea White of Bristol EDL was quoted as indignantly denying that their members had anything to do with it. “A lot of people claim to be EDL without ever having attended a meeting or demonstration”, she told the Post. “Comments like those you are referring to also upset real members, as it reflects on us.”
As we have pointed out, although the EDL in fact has no formal membership the individuals who posted the inflammatory comments on Bristol division’s Facebook page all have links to the organisation, and their calls for violence undoubtedly reflect the views of many of its supporters. Indeed, one of the comments calling for an arson attack on the proposed mosque was “liked” by EDL Bristol division itself.

As for the “real members” of Bristol EDL who attend demonstrations and according to Chelsea White find threats of violence upsetting, this week two of them have been jailed for their part in a riot that took place during an EDL protest in Walsall last year – in the course of which police were pushed, punched and kicked by a mob who threw missiles including bricks, bottles, coins and broken wood from street furniture and pub tables.
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