Bournemouth EDL supporters make arson threats against Muslim shop

Bournemouth EDL anti-halal Facebook post

Dorset Police are investigating supporters of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) for allegedly threatening to “torch” a halal butcher shop in Bournemouth. The threats were made earlier this month on the Facebook page “EDL Bournemouth English Defence League”, under a photo of the shop, Maisha Cash and Carry, on Wimborne Road.

The page administrator states, “We will be sending them a msg that they are not welcome in Bournemouth,” and calls for “peaceful” opposition to the sale of halal meat. Comments below the post included apparent calls for arson. ‘Adrian Staff’ wrote, “Fuck this!!!! Need to torch it….” ‘Mark Fenton’ commented, “burn it out”. Both comments received ‘likes’ from other users.

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EDL spokesman Guramit Singh Kalirai finally jailed for robbery bid

Guramit and 'Tommy' togetherA once-prominent member of the English Defence League (EDL) has been jailed after he went on the run following a violent attempted robbery.

Guramit Singh Kalirai, 31, of Ullswater Crescent in Bramcote, Nottingham, did not turn up to his trial in September. He was found guilty in his absence and sentenced to six-and-a-half years. His two accomplices were jailed.

Appearing at Nottingham Crown Court on Friday, he was sentenced to a further nine months for breaching his bail. Kalirai, who was previously a spokesman for the EDL, was arrested earlier this month in Long Eaton.

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EDL’s Hartlepool organiser convicted of threatening behaviour after trying to attack peaceful counter-protest

Craig Owens arrestedAn EDL supporter has been fined after trying to charge at rival protesters at a South Tyneside rally.

Craig Owens repeatedly shouted “EDL” at the group who were in South Shields to protest against a march by the right-wing English Defence League on August 31. The 28-year-old was arrested [see photo] as he ran towards them but continued to shout as he was being led away.

He pleaded guilty to using threatening words or behaviour at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court today. Owens, of Bruce Crescent, Hartlepool, was fined £65 and ordered to pay £85 and a £20 victim surcharge.

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Tory press plays Islamophobic ‘dog whistle’ … with assistance from Labour

Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, has condemned the newspapers that provide their readers with a completely distorted view of the East London borough. The Evening Standard and Telegraph in particular have set out to “inculcate an idea that somehow this part of London is run by a bunch of incompetent, corrupt Muslims who plan to introduce Sharia Law”.

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Former EDL leader threatens to go back to Tower Hamlets

In June, Stephen Lennon and Kevin Carroll, at that point still in the leadership of the English Defence League, were arrested as they attempted to enter Tower Hamlets on their way to Woolwich to stage a protest against the murder of Lee Rigby.

A condition of their bail was that they were banned from entering Tower Hamlets. In response, Lennon tweeted: “I can’t wait till my bail conditions are gone so I can enter Tower Hamlets! I’m going straight to the East London Mosque #fact.”

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Racist teenager who thought of bombing mosque wanted ‘revolution’ to bring EDL and BNP to power, court told

A teenage neo-Nazi accused of planning a “new Columbine” massacre thought about attacking a mosque when he was teased about being gay, a court heard.

The 17-year-old EDL member told a friend he had walked down to the local mosque in Loughborough, Leicestershire, after a bust-up with his brother, but “didn’t do anything”.

He confessed during Facebook chats to being consumed with “rage, hate, sadness and depression”, and got irate when taunted about not having a girlfriend, the Old Bailey heard.

The teen, who cannot be named because of his age, is accused of stockpiling knives, explosives, petrol and pipe bombs, and air guns in his bedroom while plotting a terrorist attack.

He allegedly wanted to carry out a Columbine High School-style massacre at his former school, and also planned to target Loughborough University, the local cinema, and council offices.

The teenager, who hung a Nazi swastika on his bedroom wall, was allegedly a white power fanatic who hated Muslims, the court has heard.

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Bradford Council to consider bid to make English Defence League illegal

A motion to have the far-right English Defence League deemed an illegal organisation on grounds of terrorism will go before Bradford Council next week.

Respect councillors Alyas Karmani (Little Horton) and Ishtiaq Ahmed (Manningham) have put forward a motion for debate when the authority holds its full meeting on Tuesday. They want to petition Home Secretary Theresa May to proscribe – be made illegal – the EDL and offshoot organisations “immediately”.

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UAF complains over soft treatment of SDL by police during Dundee protest

SDL Dundee 2013 (2)

Anti-fascist protesters claim the police were too soft in dealing with an extreme right-wing protest in the centre of Dundee, and have made a formal complaint.

The Unite Against Fascism (UAF) alliance has written to Police Scotland Chief Constable Sir Stephen House, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and Dundee City Council chief executive David Dorward about events surrounding the visit of the Scottish Defence League (SDL) on Saturday October 5.

The UAF alleges that officers took no action to deal with a double assault by right-wing demonstrators and fraternised with the extremists by lending them their police hats for photographs. Police also permitted them to drink alcohol in public, contrary to local byelaws, and display and shout offensive slogans, the UAF claims.

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A week is a long time in counterjihadism: A balance sheet of Stephen Lennon’s break with the EDL

Lennon Nawaz and CarrollA week ago when Stephen Lennon announced, at a press conference organised by the Quilliam think tank, that he and Kevin Carroll had resigned from the leadership of the English Defence League, his game plan seemed obvious.

It looked as though Lennon intended to use Quilliam to provide a cover of legitimacy for his entirely spurious break from far-right extremism, and then set up a more mainstream Islamophobic organisation which, by distancing itself from the racist thugs and neo-Nazis who infest the EDL, would enjoy greater credibility within the international “counterjihad” movement. Presumably, having served their purpose, Quilliam would then be ditched by Lennon in favour of building links with the Islamophobia industry in the US, which is after all where the big money is to be found.

At first, all seemed to be going to plan. The Quilliam press conference last Tuesday worked even better than Lennon could possibly have hoped, resulting in saturation coverage from TV channels and national newspapers and launching Lennon into a series of softball media interviews in which he faced no serious challenge over his four-year record at the head of a mob of violent anti-Muslim psychopaths.

Lennon’s main links to the US Islamophobia industry, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, had been primed in advance about his decision to leave the EDL. They immediately issued statements (here and here) enthusiastically endorsing Lennon’s move and declaring that they looked forward to working with him in the future. The former EDL leaders’ refusal to condemn their US associates was taken by Spencer as confirmation that there was “no indication that Robinson or Carroll have given up on their resolve to resist jihad terror and Islamic supremacism”. As I wrote at the time, it appeared that Quilliam had succeeded only in smoothing the way for Lennon’s transition into the leadership of a new and more profitable “counterjihadist” enterprise.

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