Category Archives: English Defence League
Mad Mel not mad enough, Robert Spencer complains
The very welcome ban on hate-mongers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer visiting the UK to join a disgusting publicity stunt planned by the English Defence League predictably had its critics. Equally predictably, one of them was Melanie Phillips.
“What on earth have we come to, after all, when the British Home Secretary is banning people on the basis that they criticise Islam and warn against jihadi violence?”, Phillips demanded indignantly. “Is this not exactly the menacing argument mounted by Islamic extremists, that any condemnation of Islamic extremism is to be banned as ‘Islamophobic’?”
English Defence League leaders arrested on way to Woolwich
Two English Defence League leaders have been arrested as they attempted to visit the spot where Drummer Lee Rigby was murdered last month.
Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll were detained by police on Saturday on suspicion of obstructing officers in east London. The Metropolitan police said on Friday that anyone trying to march to Woolwich would be arrested and imposed a route for the walk between Hyde Park Corner and Old Palace Yard, opposite the House of Lords.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said on Saturday: “At approximately 11.25am today, two men were arrested outside Aldgate East station for obstructing police. They have been taken to a south London police station.” In a statement posted on the EDL’s Twitter feed, the group said: “Tommy Robinson & Kev Caroll arrested for obstructing the police and carted off.”
Half of Britain’s mosques have been attacked since 9/11
Around half of mosques and Muslim centres in Britain have been subjected to Islamophobic attacks since 9/11, academics have warned as the far-right English Defence League prepares to march to the south-London scene of Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder.
The figures are highlighted in a report which also found that the number of anti-Islamic attacks increased by as much as tenfold in the days following the Woolwich attack.
Meanwhile, research by The Independent shows Islamophobic attacks spreading across Britain, with mosques being set alight and Muslims targeted at home in the past month.
Despite the warning signs, a senior Government adviser told The Independent that there remains a “lack of political will” to take on the rise of Islamophobic attacks in Britain. The adviser, who did not want to be named, said that attempts to “tackle this issue – even before Woolwich – struggled to attract buy-in,” with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, identified as the primary source of frustration.
EDL march banned from Woolwich
A planned march to Woolwich tomorrow (June 29) by far-right group the EDL has been banned by police – but its leader has vowed to visit anyway.
The group had planned to end an Armed Forces Day march – billed as a charity walk – in Woolwich where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in May. But the police have announced new conditions imposed on the event.
Geller and Spencer banned from UK
Two of the people behind a campaign against the building of the “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York have been barred from entering Britain to speak at an English Defence League rally in London this weekend, it has been announced.
The Home Secretary Theresa May has told Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, both of the anti-Islamic group Stop Islamization of America, that their presence in the UK would “not be conducive to the public good”. The decision, which they cannot appeal, will stand for between three and five years.
According to the Home Office, Mr Spencer and Ms Geller set up organisations “described as anti-Muslim hate groups” and, consequently, they have been told not to travel to Britain.
The decision follows pressure from anti-racist groups and chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee Keith Vaz, who wrote to Ms May earlier this week asking her to consider a ban.
Oppose EDL hate march
Swastikas and EDL/NF graffiti sprayed on Redditch Central Mosque
A mosque being built in Worcestershire has been broken into and graffiti including swastikas sprayed on to the walls and windows.
The damage at the mosque in Jinnah Road, Redditch, was caused between 02:00 BST and 04:30. Graffiti was sprayed over at least six windows. The intruders forced their way through a gate and broke into the main building.
Police believe the motive for the attack was to steal building equipment. A spokesperson said about £1,000 worth of equipment was taken and the paint used to daub the swastikas was stolen from the building.
Officers had increased patrols in the area and were guarding the site. Supt Kevin Purcell, of West Mercia Police, said because of incidents “happening nationally”, targeted patrols had been put in place at the mosque, which has been under construction for several years. He said they would now be “further increased” and police would not “tolerate mindless attacks of this nature”.
Thousands of people sign anti-Worcester Park mosque petition
More than 3,500 people have signed a petition against a mosque being built in Worcester Park.
An Islamic association wants to convert the disused Bank Chambers building in Green Lane into a car-free mosque. But campaigners who do not believe the group’s claims that no-one will travel to the proposed mosque by car have organised a petition and collected more 3,737 signatures.
Plans to turn the derelict building into a mosque were rejected by Sutton Council in December on the grounds it would bring too much traffic to the area. But the new plans, from Cunnane Town Planning LLP, claim “extensive travel planning procedures” will mean people do not drive to the building.
Croydon Council leader calls for anti-Islam protest to be banned
The leader of Croydon Council has called for a planned rally by right-wing extremists to be banned.
The English Volunteer Force (EVF) plans to protest outside the headquarters of the UK Border Agency (UKBA), in Wellesley Road, on July 27. The EVF, which claims to fight “the Islamification of Great Britain”, has said “all patriots are welcome” and has admitted it is likely to spark counter-protests from anti-fascists.
The move has angered many, with council leader Mike Fisher calling for the rally to be banned, stating: “We do not need this additional tension in Croydon.”
Originally it was reported members of the EVF were planning a march from Lunar House to the Croydon Mosque in London Road, Thornton Heath, but the group’s leader Jason Lock said the idea had been dropped in favour of a demonstration.