Brighton Organisations and Leading Figures Launch Unity Statement Ahead of Far Right March
People of Brighton should show unity against a racist march according to leading local politicians, unions and other individuals and group who are supporting a Unity Statement, that is now online for members of the public to sign.
Supporters include Brighton Trades Council, the Brighton University branch of the UCU union, Brighton and Hove NUT, University of Sussex Students Union, Brighton Unite Against Fascism, Brighton Love Music Hate Racism, and Sussex Labour Representation Committee. Individuals who are supporting it include Caroline Lucas MP, and ten Green and Labour members of the council; as well as Simon Burgess, the former Labour leader of the council, James Ledward, the editor of Gscene magazine and Itch, the lead singer of the band King Blues, who is a Brighton Resident.
The March for England march, organised by members and supporters of the racist organisation the English Defence League, has met growing opposition when it has attempted to parade through Brighton in the past few years. It has stated it will return in April 2013.
The march’s opponents are now calling on residents of the city to add their support for the statement which concludes by saying: “In Brighton we all stand together. And when someone tries to threaten our community we must stand together even more firmly.”
The full statement can be read at, where there is also a link to sign it.
Roland Ravenhill of Brighton Love Music Hate Racism said: “The diversity and unity of Brighton is something worth supporting, and racist marches do not sit well here. We encourage people to read and sign the statement.”
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