The Muslim community are concerned an anti-Islam group is inciting hatred against them with racist Facebook posts.
Community members say the far-right wing group, Australian Defence League – Soldiers, has been spreading hate and instigating vicious Facebook fights with inflammatory posts. The group similar to Britain First in the UK, aims to ban Islam from Australia.
Malek Sleiman said she was disgusted when the ADL posted Facebook photos of her daughter and husband, Ramsey Elhouli. “It was very upsetting,” she said. “For them to target my daughter like that, it was disgusting.”
The post: “I would like everyone to meet Ramsey. He has a very interesting profile picture of his daughter worshipping a pedophile (sic) while his other picture is of him holding a gun. And Yes you guest (sic) it this is the sort of terrorist scum that are on our streets right here in Sydney Australia. Please share and make this guy famous.”
The ADL published the post after Mr Elhoui retaliated to a previous status update made by the group in which he called the ADL “terrorists” for “going around bashing Muslim women”. ADL encouraged their followers to share the post to “make this guy famous”.
Mr Elhoui’s profile picture was taken on a duck hunting trip in 2013.