Molotov cocktail thrown at Libourne Mosque

Libourne mosque

Another act of vandalism against a mosque. One day after Eid ul-Fitr, the festival that marks the end of Ramadan for Muslims, the mosque in Libourne (Aquitaine) was targeted on Monday night. An individual threw a Molotov cocktail at the front of the brand new place of worship, which opened in 2011.

Fortunately, the damage is not serious. Only a few traces on the wall show the start of a fire that was quickly extinguished. The Lilbourne mosque is, in fact, situated right in front of the town’s fire station. Firefighters intervened very quickly after one of them saw a person throw a Molotov cocktail and flee the scene by car.

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Muslim prayer room defaced with racist graffiti and swastikas

Barp prayer room

Sud Ouest reports that vandals broke into a former bakery at Le Barp in Val de l’Eyre in south-west France, which has been rented by the Moroccan community for use as a prayer hall during Ramadan, and defaced the walls and carpets with racist graffiti and swastikas.

Belal El Filali, the 70-year-old vice-president of the local Moroccan association, who came to Le Barp in 1969 to work in the strawberry fields says: “For more than forty years I have lived here, and we have never seen this.”

The mayor of Le Barp, Christiane Dornon, who lives nearby, has condemned the attack. “I am outraged, these are people who have lived here for more than thirty-five years, there have never been any problems, it is a community who should be treated with respect.”

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French MP warns against Islamisation of Europe

Libération interviews Lionnel Luca, a member of the right-wing anti-migrant parliamentary group Droite populaire.

Luca states that the continent of Europe is on the way towards demographic extinction as a result of immigration and he poses the question: “in 2050 or 2010 will Europe still be a democracy with the values of secularism, of respect for women’s rights?” He asserts: “For twenty years a fundamentalist conquering Islamism has tried to impose its way of life on us.” And although “France is resisting, with the ban on the headscarf in schools, on the veil”, other countries are unfortunately less vigorous in their defence of European civilisation.

Asked if this isn’t a catastrophist vision, Luca goes on to claim that two-thirds of the meat in France is ritually slaughtered (an editorial comment notes that the official figure is 14%) and says that he objects to “paying a tax for a religion that is not mine”. He concludes: “The word ‘Islamisation’ seems too strong to you? I am inclined to say to you: let’s talk about this in twenty years when you will be wearing a veil.”

Tensions flare in France over veil ban

MARSEILLE, France — Though it was almost midnight, streets were full of Muslim families taking a stroll after breaking the Ramadan fast with a late dinner. As two police officers drove by a storefront recycled as the Grand Sunna Mosque, they noticed a woman wearing flowing black robes and a full-face veil.

The police officers alighted from their patrol car and challenged the woman about her veil, which has been illegal in France since April 2011. After an angry exchange, police said later, the woman shouted that she would not abide by the anti-veil law, and a youth told police that they had no business patrolling the neighborhood and accosting its predominantly Muslim residents.

The confrontation quickly escalated into a shoving match, with several dozen young bystanders joining in and carloads of police reinforcements speeding up to lend a hand. Before long, it erupted into what was described in the National Assembly in Paris as a riot, during which a female police officer was bitten on the arm and two of her male colleagues were bashed and bruised.

The sudden clash, which took place July 24 in Marseille, was the most serious instance of resistance to the veil ban during its 16 months of enforcement, according to police. Although it subsided almost as quickly as it flared, the outburst focused national attention on simmering resentment over the ban among France’s most militant and tradition-minded Muslims.

Washington Post, 9 August 2012

French Muslims protest in Gennevilliers against Islamophobia

Press TV reports from a demonstration in Gennevilliers against the sacking (since withdrawn) of four Muslims workers at a summer camp run by the local authority. They were dismissed on the grounds that their fasting for Ramadan supposedly made them unfit to carry out their duties and they represented a threat to the safety of the young people they were supervising.

Gennevilliers has a Communist mayor, Jacques Bourgoin, who initially supported the sackings, and his position was strongly supported by the far-right Front National who stated: “Those who oppose this wise decision are making a mockery of the principles of safety and secularism.”

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French Jewish leaders ‘outraged’ by mosque desecration near Toulouse

French Jewish leaders are calling the tossing of two pig heads into a mosque not far from Toulouse “an odious desecration.”

Worshippers at the Salam mosque in Montauban in southern France discovered two pig heads at the entrance to the building yesterday.

The CRIF, the umbrella organization of French Jewish communities, called the incident “an odious desecration” and said it “identifies with the outrage of the Muslim community, which was deeply offended by the act perpetrated during Ramadan.”

The Jewish communities of France convey their “sincerest sentiments of friendship” to the Muslim community, the statement said.

France’s Union of Jewish Students also said in a statement that it was appalled by an incident that had occurred in a “worrying climate of hatred.”

JTA, 3 August 2012

Who is behind the Islamophobic graffiti in Limoges?

Limoges restaurant graffiti
Kebab restaurant graffiti in Palais-sur-Vienne

La Montagne reports that following the desecration of a mosque on Saturday night, other places in the Limoges area in west-central France were also subjected to “explicitly Islamophobic graffiti”.

The same Odal runes that were sprayed on the doors of the mosque also appeared on the Boulevard Schuman bridge. But here they were accompanied by Celtic crosses, the word “Oi” and the initials “NRF”.

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Pigs’ heads and blood left at French mosque

Montauban mosque

Muslims attending morning prayers Wednesday were confronted by two pigs’ heads in the entrance to their mosque in a French town where an Islamist gunman killed two paratroopers in March.

The incident in Montauban was described as a “racist provocation” by a watchdog which monitors anti-Islamic actions in France and as an “odious and blasphemous act” by the Montauban mayor, Brigitte Bareges.

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French mosque defaced with Nazi graffiti

Limoges mosque Nazi graffitiOn Sunday morning the residents of Rue Émile Zola and worshippers at the great mosque of Limoges had the unpleasant surprise of discovering “Odal” (or “Othalan”) runes crudely painted on one of the doors of the building, whose minaret is currently under construction.

This is a serious provocation against the community, in the middle of the month of Ramadan. Mosque officials have filed a complaint and the graffiti have been reported to the police.

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French government rejects US criticism of veil ban

Paris on Tuesday brushed off a US State Department report that criticised France for banning Muslim women from wearing full veils.

“Our conception of secularism is a common heritage of all French people, which implies rules that encourage social harmony in the public space and in public schools,” said a foreign ministry spokesman.

In its 2011 International Religious Freedom Report, the State Department complains about a “rising number of European countries, including Belgium and France, whose laws restricting dress adversely affected Muslims and others”.

The French spokesman noted that France and its neighbours were seeking to define “more structured European Union policies to defend freedom of religion in the world”.

Expatica, 1 August 2012

See also “US report criticises French Islamic veil ban”, France 24, 1 August 2012