The Islamification of Blackstock Road

HitchensChristopher Hitchens describes his visit to Finsbury Park:

“Returning to the old place after a long absence, I found that it was the scent of Algeria that now predominated along the main thoroughfare of Blackstock Road. This had had a good effect on the quality of the coffee and the spiciness of the grocery stores. But it felt odd, under the gray skies of London, to see women wearing the veil, and even swathed in the chador or the all-enveloping burka. Many of these Algerians, Bangladeshis, and others are also refugees from conflict in their own country. Indeed, they have often been the losers in battles against Middle Eastern and Asian regimes which they regard as insufficiently Islamic. Quite unlike the Irish and the Cypriots, they bring these far-off quarrels along with them. And they also bring a religion which is not ashamed to speak of conquest and violence.”

Vanity Fair, June 2007

Hitch further complains that “Blair’s government has appeased leading Muslim apologists by inviting them to join ‘commissions’ to investigate the 7/7 attacks, and thus awarding them credibility well beyond their deserts. A preposterous and sinister individual named Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain and a man with a public record of support for Osama bin Laden, was made a convener of Blair’s task force on extremism despite his stated belief that the BBC and the rest of the media are ‘Zionist controlled’.”

See also the accompanying interview with Hitchens.

Danish government backs veil ban

A majority of parliament is ready if necessary to ban face-covering Muslim niqab veils after a family care worker refused to remove hers on the job. Politicians at parliament are prepared to give employers the right to ban Muslim niqab and burka veils for employees as a result of yet another incident involving the culture clash between conservative Islam and the West.

Odense municipality requested that the Ministry of Consumer and Family Affairs rule on a case where a Muslim woman refused to remove her veil for her job as a family care worker. Odense indicated it was not certain whether it had the authority to reject the woman as a legitimate caretaker on the grounds of her veil under the existing provisions.

Politicians had already been in an uproar over an incident last week where a Muslim parliamentary candidate indicated she would continue to wear her headscarf if she were elected. The niqab covers all of the wearer’s face except the eyes.

Carina Christensen, the Conservative family affairs minister, indicated she would not get involved in the case, which angered many parliamentary members. Conservative leader Bendt Bendtsen made it clear that his party would not accept family care employees hiding their faces from their charges. “We say no to burkas and veils in family care. Care workers are role models and accordingly must promote a proper image of women,” Bendtsen told Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

Bendtsen has the backing of the prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who believes public institutions should be able to determine the dress of their employees. “The burka does not belong in family day care nor in public care institutions,” Rasmussen told Politiken newspaper. “We will naturally ensure that there are provisions in the law that allows Odense municipality to forbid the veil.” “I personally believe it’s quite fair that children should be able to see who is caring for them,” said the prime minister.

The far-left Red-Green Alliance also understood the need to have strict regulations in the matter, but did not commit to supporting any change in the law. “This is neither about special treatment or religion. It is a well-founded desire to stress that it is important in family care situations to see the caretaker’s facial expressions,” said Jørgen Arbo-Baehr, the party’s integration spokesperson.

Copenhagen Post, 3 May 2007

Straw calls on Muslims to develop sense of ‘Britishness’

Jack Straw 3The UK’s growingly multiculturalism requires a reinterpretation of what it is to be British, Jack Straw has said.

Writing in The World Today, a monthly periodical published by thinktank Chatham House, the leader of the Commons believes unity can only be achieved around a citizenship fostering universal values of democracy and freedom.

These values should be linked to citizenship by referring to the British experience of the last 1,000 years – from Magna Carta, the civil war and the “fight for votes” to “the fight now against unbridled terror”, he writes.

In The News, 30 April 2007

“How can ethnic minorities play more of a part in British society? Jack Straw thinks he has the answer. They ‘must subscribe to … the core democratic values of freedom, fairness, tolerance and plurality that define what it means to be British’, he writes today in an article for the Chatham House thinktank. ‘It is the bargain and it is non-negotiable.’

“This is not the first time the leader of the House of Commons and MP for racially mixed Blackburn has discussed the rights and responsibilities of ethnic minorities. His latest salvo stacks the responsibilities heavily on the side of immigrants and their descendants. Mr Straw’s string of abstract nouns are as distant from life on the street as the fluffy white clouds up above, but still our ethnic minorities must understand and accept them. Only then, apparently, will they deserve the rights that come with being British.”

Editorial in the Guardian, 30 April 2007

Straw’s Chatham House article can be read (pdf) here.

‘Now Muslims Get Their Own Laws’

Now Muslims Get Their Own Laws“Muslim radicals have established their own draconian court systems in Britain. Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system. Last night religious leaders and politicians expressed outrage that Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in our society.

“The Daily Express can reveal that one of the controversial courts has been set up in the home town of the 7/7 London bombings ringleader. Mohammed Sidique Khan was responsible for the Edgware Road Circle Line explosion which killed six people and injured 120. Our investigation has found that the Sharia court system has been set up in the heart of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and that it is the model for others across the country which are operating outside the British legal process….

“Philip Davies, the Tory MP for Shipley, said: ‘I am absolutely appalled and find the prospect of such courts totally terrifying. Places like this should be closed down…. It simply can’t be tolerated’.”

Daily Express, 30 April 2007

Of course, the Jewish community has been operating its own Beth Din courts for years. But you can imagine the outcry that would rightly follow if the Express ran a front-page story headlined “Now Jews Get Their Own Laws in Britain”.

In the same issue of the Express Leo McKinstry whips up further Islamophobic hysteria in a comment piece that begins: “The wail of the mosque is signalling the end of traditional British justice.” Using language that could easily have been taken from a BNP election leaflet, McKinstry continues: “In a political climate of craven appeasement towards Muslim extremism, the Islamification of our country is steadily accelerating.” He observes: “Muslims continually bleat about so-called ‘Islamophobia’ but the isolation they experience from mainstream society is of their own making. British society has bent over backwards to accommodate Islam.” Indeed, “unlike in France, the hijab headscarf is allowed in schools” – a situation that McKinstry would evidently rectify if he could.

(Note, by the way, that McKinstry pays tribute to the role played by Homa Arjomand of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran in blocking the introduction of faith-based arbitration for Muslims in Ontario.)

Predictably, the fascists are full of enthusiasm for the Express report, which of course plays straight into their hands:

“The story should be a wake-up call for all British voters. It is now or never to turn back the tide of Islamic colonisation. Successive Labour and Conservative governments have betrayed the British electorate by opening the doors to waves of bogus asylum seekers, predominantly from Islamic countries in Africa and the Middle East but under Blair’s regime, Labour have not only held the door wide open, they have allowed Muslim immigrants to rearrange the furniture and displace the original occupants.

“Voters can punish the Labour traitors on Thursday by voting for the only party which will use its influence on local councils to stop any planning applications to convert houses, former pubs and other buildings into Islamic community centres, mosques or Sharia courts. A nationwide swing to the BNP will send a loud signal of protest to the establishment that we will not tolerate the creeping Islamification of our country.”

BNP news article, 30 April 2007

For a letter of complaint to the Express from Inayat Bunglawala of the Muslim Council of Britain, see MCB news article, 30 April 2007

Gee thanks Denis

“The ideological aspects of Islamism – the denial of women’s rights, the homophobia, the tacit acceptance of stoning women to death, or the awful throat cutting in Turkey this week of Christian activists – contradict democracy and human rights, but the right of Muslims to follow their faith under law in Europe must be defended.”

Denis MacShane takes a firm stand against Islamophobia at Comment is Free, 20 April 2007

German media, politicians launch chauvinist campaign over ‘Muslim takeover’

Spiegel Mekka DeutschlandCampaigns alleging that a nation is being ‘swamped’ by foreigners have always been part of the repertoire of right-wing extremist politics. The influx of immigrants, their culture and language is regarded as a threat to one’s ‘own’ people and – depending upon which version is being promulgated – Western or German culture.

In recent times, the danger of being ‘swamped’ has been replaced by that of a ‘Muslim-takeover’, with the difference, however, that such agitation is not limited to right-wing extremist circles. Magazines such as Der Spiegel, Christian Democratic and Social Democratic politicians, and former liberals or leftwing intellectuals have now joined in the chorus.

Der Spiegel appeared on March 26 with the headline, “Mecca Germany. The quiet Muslim takeover.” The front page showed the familiar sight of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, swathed in darkness with the Islamic crescent moon and star above.

Regular Spiegel columnist Franz Josef Wagner commented, “Our symbols of justice wear a headscarf or a burka. What sort of country do we live in that our laws are no longer valid?”

The deputy chairman of the Christian Democratic Union’s (CDU) parliamentary faction Wolfgang Bosbach told the press he had long feared “the fact that we are gradually importing moral values from other cultures into Germany, even making them the basis of the legal system.”

The feminist Alice Schwarzer opined that the German legal system had “for a long time, been systematically infiltrated by Islamist forces” and Edmund Stoiber, the Bavarian state premier and Christian Social Union (CSU) chairman, warned, the “rule of law in Germany” should not “kow-tow to the Koran” or let itself be “undermined.”

What has occasioned this extreme agitation? It revolves around a divorce case being heard by the Family Court in Frankfurt am Main, in which a German woman of Moroccan origin wants to divorce her Moroccan husband.

World Socialist Web Site, 14 April 2007

Australian media accused of Islamaphobia

British firebrand Yvonne Ridley has accused Australia’s media of being hostile towards Muslims, as Labor demanded to know why the Islamic convert was allowed into the country.

The former investigative reporter, in Melbourne for a major religious conference, was quoted in news reports saying Australians were among the world’s worst Muslim haters. But Ms Ridley said her comments were wrongly recorded and she had no problem with the Australian people – only the Australian media, which she accused of Islamophobia.

“The time has come to change the media attitudes towards Muslims in this country,” she told the annual Australian Islamic Conference at the University of Melbourne, staged by non-profit Muslim group, Mercy Mission. “What I actually said to the journalist was there is a horrendous problem of Islamophobia in Australia – it isn’t the ordinary citizens, it’s the media.”

“It’s very, very sad the way the media has reacted,” she said. “Suddenly I’m no more a British journalist, I’m a firebrand Islamic convert. “I’ve always been quite outspoken in my views but I didn’t become an extremist until I put on a hijab.”

Meanwhile, Labor leader Kevin Rudd called on the federal government to explain why Ms Ridley was allowed to enter Australia.

AAP, 7 April 2007

Kelly continues to sideline MCB

The government is planning to intervene in some mosques to support Muslims who want to marginalise extremists. Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will announce a new role for the Charity Commission, strengthening its task of overseeing religious institutions. A £600,000 faith unit within the commission will help Muslims strengthen governance and leadership in mosques.

Ms Kelly’s department has changed government strategy by launching talks with a broader range of Muslim groups. But at the same time, the largest body, the Muslim Council of Britain, has fallen out of favour, leading to claims that ministers are talking only to those prepared to agree with government.

BBC News, 5 April 2007

‘The enemy within’

Tatchell No Islamic StateSunny Hundal takes issue with Inayat Bunglawala’s statement that Hizb ut-Tahrir are “a non-violent party and have every right to spread their ideas peacefully”.

Predictably, Hundal wins the approval of that other expert in self-promotion, Peter Tatchell, who comments:

“The political goals of Hizb ut-Tahrir are the Islamist equivalent of the BNP – only much worse. Why are there no anti-fascist campaigns against Hizb ut-Tahrir, just like there are anti-fascist campaigns against the BNP?”

Comment is Free, 1 April 2007

This illustrates very clearly how Tatchell’s Islamophobia has led him to lose all contact with reality.

The British National Party is a white supremacist organisation which, according to its own constitution, is “wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples” and aims to restore “the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948”.

HT, by contrast, is an organisation based on a small section of the Muslim community – a minority ethno-religious community who are in fact the primary victims of the BNP’s malevolent racism.

On these grounds alone, it should be obvious that equating the BNP and HT is an absurdity, never mind declaring that HT is “much worse” than the Nazi-inspired BNP.

The criticism to be made of HT’s members is that they have drawn mistaken conclusions about how racism and imperialism are to be resisted, which has led them to abstain from mainstream politics in Britain. This is why other Muslims have sought to engage in dialogue with HT.

Sunny Hundal condemns Inayat Bunglawala of the Muslim Council of Britain for adopting this approach. Who exactly would gain if the MCB were to accept Hundal’s demands and break all relations with HT?

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