Islamists = Nazis (according to Searchlight)

In the latest issue of Searchlight, Nick Lowles and Steve Silver offer us another example of the increasingly prevalent Islamism = fascism line.

Some of their analysis is unexceptional. When they write that “Omar Bakri Mohammed and his ilk are recruiting sergeants for the BNP”, who could disagree? Indeed, three years ago Inayat Buglawala of the MCB made exactly the same point about Bakri and Abu Hamza:

“Every time these two figures open their mouths it seems they are determined to help the cause of the racist British National Party in their goal of portraying Muslims as being disloyal and potential ‘fifth-columnists’. I doubt whether the BNP have two better recruiting sergeants than Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza.”

But Lowles and Silver go further than this. Take the following excerpt:

“The BNP and Islamist groups also have a symbiotic relationship, their activities fuelling each other. Racism from organisations such as the BNP, high votes for fascists and racist attacks all create a climate in which some young Asians in particular feel that they are victims of, and in conflict with, wider society. In turn, Islamist groups preach that Muslims not only face racism in Britain, but are oppressed across the world, particularly in Palestine and Iraq.”

Er … but isn’t it the case that Muslims are oppressed in Palestine and Iraq? Not necessarily so, according to Lowles and Silver. They refer blandly to “the Iraq war and other perceived [sic] injustices across the world”.

Worse still, according to their formulation, opposition to Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and to the imperialist conquest of Iraq is equated with the BNP’s racist hatred of minority ethnic groups.

And, as with Islamophobic right-wingers like Anthony Browne, the term “Islamism” is used without distinguishing between its reformist and violent extremist tendencies. The existence of bodies which are Islamist, in the sense of organising Muslims to engage in social and political activism, but which pursue their objectives through peaceful methods, is obliterated

Thus all forms of Islamism are reduced to a variant of fascism.

As Inayat Bunglawala wrote in criticism of Anthony Browne’s Times article that attacked MAB and Qaradawi as fascists: “it simply will not do to glibly compare ‘Islamists’ with Nazis. This type of incendiary rhetoric only adds to the prejudice which British Muslims have to face daily.”

‘Stone the gays, says Ken’s friend’

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty takes up the now entirely discredited story (originating at Harry’s Place, and then publicised by GALHA and Outrage!) about Yusuf al-Qaradawi calling for the Crown Prince of Qatar to be stoned to death.

AWL website, 16 August 2005

For the background to this slander, see here, here and here

Plus the AWL informs us that Dr al-Qaradawi is “even worse” than Ariel Sharon! See here.

By their friends ye shall know them

The website of the Worker Communist Party of Iran seems to be down at the moment. However, a report by WPI central committee member Homa Arjomand of a meeting in Toronto on 12 August can be consulted at Butterflies and Wheels. Sharing the platform with Homa Arjomand were Irshad Manji and right-wing Dutch MP, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Comrade Arjomand reports that the meeting featured a showing of the film “Submission”. But for some reason she omits to mention the name of the film’s director – the late Dutch racist Theo van Gogh. Obviously just an oversight.

Labour MP calls for Hizb ut-Tahrir ban

More than 300 Muslims attended a gathering on Thursday organised by a group which the Government wants banned.

The jam-packed meeting was organised by local members of Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir in direct response to Prime Minister Tony Blair’s proposals – announced on August 5 – to review security measures in light of last month’s terrorist attacks.

It was the first Hizb ut-Tahrir meeting since Tony Blair’s announcement. Dozens more meetings are due to take place up and down the country over the next few weeks.

The Hizb ut-Tahrir group has publicly condemned the London bombings of 7/7 and has a policy of non-violence.

All sorts of people were present at the gathering, which took place at the Cygnet Hotel in Dunstable Road, Luton, including Mayor Councillor Haji Abid.

Women and children as well as people from nearby towns including Watford, Hemel Hempsted, Bletchley and Milton Keynes also attended the meeting.

Several people made speeches including businessmen, councillors, solicitors and doctors.

When Luton businessman Meherban Khan was given the chance to speak he said: “I have been present at several Hizb ut-Tahrir meetings and, while I am not a member, I respect its beliefs. But I have to say I think Tony Blair is the Hitler of the 21st century.”

That remark brought cheers – not for the first time at the gathering – from the scores of people present.

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Ontario Shariah law – a good decision

“Christian and Jewish family tribunals have successfully functioned in Ontario since 1991. But then treating women as lesser humans is not one of the religious tenets that christianity or judaism seems to embrace…. I believe that attempting to introduce Shariah into Canada is the beginning of a long campaign to islamicize this country – one way or another.”

Klaus Rohrich welcomes the decision to reject Islamic arbitration bodies in Ontario, but expresses regret that other, more civilised religions have suffered too.

Canada Free Press, 13 September 2005

This is the sort of right-wing bigotry the Worker Communist Party of Iran encouraged with their Islamophobic “anti-sharia” campaign.

Ann Cryer ‘defends’ multiculturalism (with friends like these …)

“For too long we have been urged to ‘celebrate diversity’. How can it be helpful to highlight the differences between us?”

Ann Cryer makes her usual helpful contribution to the defence of multiculturalism. Mind you, compared with some of her other interventions (see here and here) her Evening Standard piece is relatively restrained.

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Outrage! shows light-minded attitude to truth shock

An article by Richard Kim in the US magazine The Nation offers a lengthy but interesting analysis of Outrage’s light-minded attitude to factual evidence when it comes to pursuing their Islamophobic agenda. Kim shows that Outrage’s press release claiming that two Iranian youth had been executed for being simply being gay (see here) was based on a dubious account by the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq cult and dismissed other reports that the two had in fact been convicted of gang-raping a 13-year-old boy at knife-point.

Richard Kim outlines how “Outrage!’s press release came to inspire an escalating series of demands and actions … appeals to the greatest democracy in the world to defend freedom against Islamic extremism, calls for the gay movement (and even individual would-be gay soldiers) to join the fight against ‘Islamo-fascism’ and pleas to European governments to sever ties with Iran and impose sanctions – at a time when the EU was engaged in delicate negotiations with Iran over its nuclear capacity. The story of ‘two gay teenagers executed in Iran’ was a compelling narrative that … offered up an unambiguous conflict between ‘Islamo-fascism’ and Western democracy”.

The Nation, 7 August 2005

The WPI and the right-wing journalist

“Premier Dalton McGuinty was tapdancing very cautiously around sharia law yesterday. And rightly so. Of all the nasty issues likely to blow up in his face before the next election, this is a huge one. What it boils down to is, how much multiculturalism is too much? Chowing down on souvlaki at Taste of the Danforth is one thing. But what about entrenching an ancient legal system that, in its extreme forms, calls for stoning and amputation?”

Christina Blizzard in the Toronto Sun, 7 September 2005

The article includes a friendly interview with Homa Arjomand of the Worker Communist Party of Iran. I confess to being unfamiliar with Christina Blizzard’s oeuvre. However, I googled her name and found her described as “one of the most partisan pro-right writers in Ontario in the mainstream media”.

Foreign Office backs engagement with Qaradawi – Nick Cohen goes apoplectic

YusufalQaradawiNick Cohen retails another series of lies and distortions about Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Qaradawi “ruled that the an [sic] Arab princeling should be stoned to death” (in fact he didn’t), Aljazeera magazine “hadn’t withdrawn the report” (in reality they had) etc etc. And Cohen concludes this demonstration of ignorant bigotry with the smug announcement that his mission as a journalist is to “tell Truth to readers”! What a plonker.

Observer, 4 August 2005

And what has made Cohen so cross? Well, it’s the fact that the Observer has acquired a leaked Foreign Office briefing which recommends that Dr al-Qaradawi should not be banned from entering the UK. The document is a well-informed piece of work, by Mockbul Ali, which entirely bears out the positive assessment of Qaradawi’s role made on this website and elsewhere. See (pdf) here.

The FCO’s line on Qaradawi, as summarised by Cohen, is to “try to detach him and the millions who listen to him from al-Qaeda”. This amounts to wilful distortion. The FCO document in fact argues for engagement with Qaradawi precisely because he is one of the most authoritative and influential opponents of al-Qaeda. He hardly requires any “detaching”. Cohen’s colleague Martin Bright (author of the Observer‘s witch-hunt against the MCB) also tries to imply a link between Qaradawi and al-Qaeda, reporting that “the memo contains the warning that refusing Qaradawi entry could lead to further terrorist attacks”. See here.

Cohen holds up the FCO briefing as evidence that “the mandarins have been preparing for an accommodation with radical Islam”, and Martin Bright agrees that the leaked document “will further fuel concerns of increasing ‘Islamist’ influence in the Foreign Office”.

It is notable that nowhere does the Observer deal with the arguments in favour of Dr al-Qaradawi that are presented in some detail in the FCO document, and unless you consulted the link in the online edition you’d be none the wiser. So much for “telling Truth to readers”. For that you have to go to Islam Online, 4 September 2005

It’s also worth noting that Cohen’s article is warmly welcomed by the Zionist right. See Israpundit, 4 September 2005

Straw provokes outrage by claiming terrorism is ‘justified by Islam’

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Tuesday provoked outrage in the Muslim community by claiming that terrorism is “justified by Islam.” Speaking to The Financial Times, he said “One of the things we’ve got to do is give [Muslim] leaders the confidence to face down terrorism justified by Islam.”

“His phrase ‘terrorism justified by Islam’ is utterly meaningless and deeply offensive to Muslims,” chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s Media Committee, Inayat Bunglawala told Irna.

“Our scholars have made it clear that there is no basis whatsoever or targeting Muslims,” Bunglawala added. He also suggested that his provocative comments could add to the current backlash against Muslims following the recent London bombings.

“The foreign secretary of all people should know that no terrorism can be justified by Islam,” Bunglawala said. “His comments could unwittingly give succor to Islamophobes who are forever trying to link the face of Islam with violence,” he warned.

IRNA report, 2 August 2005

For Straw’s FT article, see here.