How to save Europe from Islam

“Historian Bat Ye’or fears that it may already be too late to save Europe from Islam, and that the continent will be transformed into Eurabia. Should this come to pass, Eurabia will either slowly decline into just another overpopulated Islamic failure, or it will be used as a staging ground for Islamic aggression against the rest of the infidel world.”

But there is still hope, Wolfgang Bruno argues:

“The only way we can avoid this is by separation, by ending and reversing Muslim immigration. Muslim immigration is equivalent to playing Russian roulette with your own children. The worst case scenario is that the current trends continue unabated, triggering civil wars in several nations as the Muslim population reaches critical mass for an armed Jihad. A Balkanization of the continent would ensue. It may already be too late for the worst hit areas of Europe, but still not for the continent as whole.”, 10 May 2005

As I’ve pointed out before, an essay on Islam and women by Maryam Namazie of the Worker Communist Party of Iran is also available on this site. See here.

The Mayor of London, political Islam and the Worker Communist Party of Iran

“Effectively, the Mayor of London is appeasing a movement which is quite vicious”, Fariborz Pooya of the Worker Communist Party of Iran explains. “We have seen the activities of this movement in the Middle East, as well as in Europe. This is a fascist movement. It reminds me of Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, who in the late 1930s went to Germany and brought with him a piece of paper, waving it to the crowds, saying here, I have the word of Mr Hitler that he is not going to go to war – who says he’s aggressive? The following year Hitler rolled his tanks into Poland.”

WPI Briefing No.177

So watch out for Dr al-Qaradawi invading London at the head of a Panzer division.

‘The hypocrisy of Islam’

“Islam means peace and love and Muslims only want to be left alone to practice their beliefs – in peace. This is one of the greatest lies of the last century but many Muslims continue to say it, over and over, like a mantra, perhaps more to convince themselves than the rest of the world.”, 26 April 2005

Elsewhere on this revolting right-wing site an article can be found on Islam and women. It begins:

“The situation of women living in Islam-stricken societies and under Islamic laws is the outrage of the 21st century. Burqa-clad and veiled women and girls, beheadings, stoning to death, floggings, child sexual abuse in the name of marriage and sexual apartheid are only the most brutal and visible aspects of women’s rightlessness and third class status in the Middle East.

“Apologists for Islam state that the situation of women in Iran and in Islam-stricken countries is human folly; they say that Islamic rules and laws practiced in the Middle East are not following the true precepts of Islam. They state that we must separate Islam from the practice of Islamic governments and movements. In fact, however, the brutality and violence meted out against women and girls in nothing other than Islam itself.”

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USA and political Islam are two sides of one coin (says crazed sectarian)

Another classic of left Islamophobia from Maryam Namazie of the Worker Communist Party of Iran:

“It is political Islam that hangs the likes of sweet 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi for ‘acts incompatible with chastity’ in city centres, stones Maryam Ayoubi for adultery, throws acid in the faces of those who refuse to veil, beheads prostitutes, and legally permits sexual apartheid and misogyny.

“All of you will have become uncomfortably familiar with this right-wing reactionary political movement from September 11 onwards when it went about its business as usual but this time outside its zone of influence and power. Political Islam and its ruling class would also turn this world into another Iraq if it could.

“This vile movement may make many claims as the USA does in order to legitimise its barbarity – from people’s liberation to democracy to rights – but they are only claims to dupe and legitimise. It cares as much for the liberation of the people of Palestine and Iraq as the USA does – not more, not less.

“Both will indiscriminately maim and slaughter the very people they claim to defend. One will behead Westerners feigning defence of women prisoners in Iraq with one hand whilst killing Iraqi women who refuse to veil with another. The other will feign a defence of rights through indiscriminate bombings whilst its soldiers’ boots are trampling over tortured naked bodies.”, 26 April 2005

As usual, no distinctions are made between different tendencies within the broad category of “political Islam”, some of which are of course democratic-reformist in character, and an equals sign is placed between the world’s major imperialist power and the likes of Al-Qaida. I think most of us know which is the main threat to world peace. Evidently the WPI doesn’t.

Faith invaders

“As Britain’s culture wars grow in intensity, and abortion and artistic freedom become hot issues, Cristina Odone reveals that Saudi and US funds are behind the devout religious groups that lead the offensive.”

New Statesman, 18 April 2005

The gist of Cristina Odone’s article is that “foreign spiritual empires are moving in on Britain. Increasingly, foreign-inspired and foreign-financed religious conservatives are influencing the UK political agenda, forming what amounts to a spiritual fifth column”. It is notable that the Roman Catholic church escapes her strictures. Opus Dei doesn’t rate a mention.

Odone draws a parallel between US-backed right-wing Protestant evangelism and Islam. Unsurprisingly, she cites Peter Tatchell’s claim that “an insidious alliance has sprung up between ultra-orthodox Christians and Muslims”.

She warns that “the poorly educated imams of Bradford and Tower Hamlets, ministering to believers who are barely a generation away from the village Islam of south Asia, lack the financial, theological and intellectual firepower to stand up to the missionaries for Saudi-style Islam”. Condescending, or what?

Odone makes much of the fact that some Muslim institutions receive Saudi funding. She sees this as an attempt to introduce Wahhabism into Britain, and blames Saudi influence for the fact that some young British Muslims “lap up a rigid, censorious form of Islam, which includes the strict observance of prayer times, learning the Koran by rote, and a wholesale rejection of the habits, attitudes and values of mainstream society”.

This strikes me as largely fantasy. The Saudis certainly stepped up their financial aid to Muslim organisations worldwide after 1979, in order to counter the appeal of radical Shia Islam inspired by the Iranian revolution. However, while their funding is directed to conservative rather than to liberal Muslims, the Saudis don’t have a record of exporting pure Wahhabism.

In any case, I rather doubt that the scale of funding they provide to Islam in Britain is capable of exerting the influence Odone claims. If some young Muslims are drawn towards fundamentalist varieties of their faith, this is surely to be explained by social factors – not by what the Saudi monarchy does with its oil revenues.

Though you might suspect the article is a conscious attempt by the author to whip up Islamophobia while covering her tracks by criticising Protestant fundamentalism as well, I don’t think that’s actually her intention. However, in the present circumstances – with Islam and Muslims (unlike Christian evangelicals) being consistently portrayed as a threat to liberal values, the gains of the Enlightenment and western civilisation in general – that is in fact the practical impact of her arguments.

SWP: A pro-fascist party (say Jim Denham and David T)

David T at Harry’s Place has discovered (with the assistance of Jim Denham of the AWL) that “the SWP has become a pro-fascist party” – on the grounds that it “has chosen to ally itself with bigots with slightly brown skins”. (No doubt these bigots also cook strange foods and fail to observe Germanic standards of hygiene.) David T explains: “allying itself with organisations – like the MAB – which are essentially theoconservative, if not theocratic, is pro-fascism”.

Bear in mind that Harry’s Place recently featured in a Tribune list of left-wing blogs. And I suppose in a sense that’s an accurate categorisation, because the views expressed there do represent a section of what passes for the left. Just as the pressure of the Cold War stampeded some socialists into a bloc with right-wing anti-communists, the present rise in anti-Muslim hysteria has resulted in certain self-styled leftists losing their bearings and embracing the ideas and arguments of the Islamophobic right.

Harry’s Place, 15 April 2005

Reformation and Enlightenment

David T over at Harry’s Place has discovered a Muslim he’s prepared to do business with. It’s Abdel Nour Brado, Secretary of the Islamic Commission of Spain, who wants to open a discussion among Muslims about the possibility of recognising same-sex marriages. Brado and his co-thinkers are the sort of “religious political progressives within Islam” to whom the left can relate, David T argues.

Harry’s Place, 7 April 2005

Unfortunately, by this definition progressives probably amount to somewhat less than 1% of the Muslim world. The remaining 99% who would reject same-sex marriages are all categorised by David T as “religious and political conservatives”, and no distinctions are made between them.

Thus the reformist Yusuf al-Qaradawi is described by David T as a “qutbist”, i.e. a supporter of the Egyptian Islamist Sayyid Qutb who was executed by Nasser in 1966. Qutb’s denunciation of the entire Muslim world as “jahiliyya” (pagan ignorance and barbarism), his call for armed struggle against every existing regime in the Islamic world and his condemnation of all those Muslims who decline to participate in this struggle as apostates have nothing in common with Qaradawi’s views whatsoever. Indeed, Qaradawi has accused Qutb of promoting an extremist ideology “which justified the takfir (excommunication) of (whole) societies … and the announcement of a destructive jihad against the whole of mankind”. Some Qutbist!

But this is the method adopted by “left” Islamophobes like those at Harry’s Place. They issue a formal declaration that Islam is not a monolithic bloc and proclaim their support for progressive, reformist Muslims – but they define this category so narrowly that only a minuscule minority of actually existing Muslims qualify, and they then dismiss the remainder as one reactionary, undifferentiated mass.

Defence of hijab ban is backward thinking

Letter in Morning Star, 6 April 2005

Peter Duffy’s defence of the reactionary French law on religious symbols (Morning Star, April 2) merely shows how backward many parts of the left have become in relation to the rights of Muslims and other minorities in Europe.

In particular, he argues that there are “progressives” who support the headscarf ban.

Just because some people who regard themselves as being on the left support the law – perhaps even a majority – does not actually make it progressive.

Many people who regard themselves as progressive argued that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a cause to celebrate. Being on the left did not stop them from being wrong.

One’s position must be judged on whether it really is progressive. There is nothing progressive about banning a child from school because of the crime of wearing an under-turban, a hijab or a skull-cap. It is merely the subordination of genuine secularism to intolerance and prejudice.

In his long letter, Peter Duffy mentions Muslims many times but omits to mention the plight of the Sikhs. What am I to tell Sikhs in London? “Don’t worry, Sikh kids are banned from their schools in France for wearing their under-turbans, but it’s OK because ‘progressives’ support it”? I somehow doubt that they will be convinced.

It is our obligation as progressive people to tell them that we firmly oppose this law.

If there is not a place for an Asian person in France to have a full state education and also to continue to hold their religious beliefs, including wearing their religious dress, then forgive me as an Asian person in Britain for saying as clearly as I can that this is a reactionary state of affairs, regardless of the sensibilities of some rather prickly parts of the left.

Yasmin Qureshi
Human rights advisor to the Mayor of London

40 reasons why Tariq Ramadan is a reactionary bigot (according to the AWL)

“Behind Ramadan – urbane, reasonable sounding – stand the Islamists of the MAB/Muslim Brothers. Ramadan is the reasonable face of Islamic politics, and he is the thin end of the wedge…. we need to understand that attempts to shout down Marxist critics of Ramadan with demagogic accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ and even ‘racism’ are absurd.”

The Alliance for Workers Liberty resumes its campaign against Tariq Ramadan – not entirely unconnected with the fact that Professor Ramadan was addressing a meeting at NUS conference this week.

AWL website, 4 April 2005

Predictably, the Islamophobic warmongers at Harry’s Place are eager to endorse the AWL’s attack on Professor Ramadan – even though it’s quite obvious that most of them have only the barest idea who Tariq Ramadan is or what he stands for. He’s an “Islamist”, after all, so he must be a reactionary bigot, mustn’t he?

See here.

(It is, however, worth scrolling through the comments for some more reasoned posts, notably by “sonic” and Stephen Marks.)

Tatchell hails religious opposition to oppression

In a statement that surprised those of us who know him as a secularist opposed to the intrusion of religion into politics, Peter Tatchell of Outrage! said yesterday: “While I normally have little sympathy for Islam, the Muslim Association of Britain has taken a courageous, defiant stand against the invasion and occupation of Iraq.”

Outrage! press release, 31 March 2005

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