Khadija says Channel 4 didn’t tell her she’d be in competition with the Queen

Muslim Khadija Ravat wants to pull out of Channel 4’s Christimas message because she fears she may nick viewers from the Queen. The Islamic studies teacher, 34, who wears a veil, claims she did not know the broadcasts would be screened at the same time. Last night she said: “I don’t want to be competing with the Queen. I’m sure she’s a lovely person. Her speech will be far more interesting than anything I have got to say. I didn’t mean to cause a fuss. I did not know how important the Queen’s speech is to many people.” Channel 4 said that they chose Khadija because the veil debate is topical.

Daily Star, 8 December 2006

Meanwhile, in yesterday’s Evening Standard, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has taken the opportunity to denounce the niqab as the symbol of “Muslim women suffering under the cloak of oppression”.

For Yusuf Smith’s comments, see Indigo Jo Blogs, 7 December 2006

Why I deplore this TV Christmas stunt

For Channel 4 , a presenter in full niqab is just another wacky idea. But the veil is a cloak of oppression and cruelty, says one Muslim writer

By Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

Evening Standard, 7 December 2006

WE KNOW Channel 4 is paid to be a pain, to whip up furies and controversies. The channel’s iconoclastic spirit can generate exceptionally good programmes and also abysmally bad ideas. Hip bosses sometimes want to be audacious and provocative for the sheer fun of it. So now these Armani suits have picked a fully veiled Muslim woman to deliver their alternative Christmas message.

Delight will ripple through the corridors of the trendy HQ as a storm of outrage follows this mad, bad and dangerous decision. But why stop there? I know at least two Somali mothers who support their own genital mutilation and will subject their daughters to the “purification”. Perhaps next year.

Meanwhile some liberals, the Mayor and retrograde Muslim organisations will rejoice that the niqab has thus been honoured, as will those white female commentators who have come out for the full veil. I wonder if any of these niqab groupies would be as sanguine if their own daughters decided to disappear into black shrouds.

Choice alone cannot be the sole compass for personal or political action. In any case, how do these defenders of the veil know all such women and girls have made a free and fair choice? Or that six-year-olds in a hijab are independent little misses who decided to cover their hair?

The chosen one, Khadija Ravat, is a very nice lady. We met on a TV programme and she was warm and non-judgmental. I can see why she was selected, because she gives the niqab a good name. We have emailed each other and I am going to visit her home one day. But I cannot respect her shroud. She can look at the world yet denies us access to the features which make her unique and uniquely human.

The recent employment-case judgments against the niqab reflect what society in general believes – that there have to be dress code bans on full veils at work. Most workplaces disallow semi-nudity too.

The national conversation over the veil has been open and passionate – a very important development in our complex democracy. We didn’t shut up even when instructed to by Muslim ” leaders”. Channel 4 hosted some of the best debates on the issue. Now it has decided to glamorise and validate the veil, showing cool indifference to the meanings of the most violently contested symbols in the world today.

For what some claim as their preferred attire is a cruel prison for others. Lesley Abdela, the legendary gender-rights expert, has just returned from Iraq, where she advises Iraqi women fighting for political equality. She told me this story. A top university professor in Baghdad had a corpse of a young female delivered to him. She was the brightest of his cohort. She had been raped, tortured, then killed because she dared to walk without covering her face and hair. Acid is thrown at the faces of such women; many are beaten and raped all across the Arab countries, in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In this paper I described a veiled woman who followed me home after being subjected to the most horrifying domestic violence, all signs well covered up by the unholy sheet. Since then several others have contacted me to confirm this is happening all over the country. One of them, Saima, asked this: “All those women are speaking out on TV about how they are free to decide. How can women like me tell the public our truths? We are afraid for our lives. They are not. But they should remember us.”

Instead of expressing solidarity with these females, sanctimonious British niqabis (with beautifully made-up eyes) are siding with their foes.

There are practical issues too. Veiled women cannot swim in the sea, smile at their babies in parks, feel the sun on their skin. Millions of progressive Muslims watch with disbelief as young women, born free, seek subjugation. It breaks our hearts.

In the first century of Islam, there were Muslim feminists resisting seclusion and covers. The First Lady of Rebellion was Sakina, who got a pre-nup agreement from her husband. He was to be faithful and let her keep her will and liberty. When he went to a concubine she publicly humiliated him in court in Medina. An Arab historian described her fire: “She was a delicate beauty, never veiled. Poets gathered in her house. She was playful and refined.”

Ayesha, married to the son of a close associate of Prophet Mohammed, was a feisty resister too: “I will not veil. No one can force me to do anything.” The veil predates Islam and was common among the Assyrian royalty, Byzantine upperclass Christians and Bedouins – men and women – when sand storms blasted their faces. Women from the Prophet’s family covered themselves, it is said, to prevent harassment from petitioners. He proclaimed that “the true veil is in the eyes of men.”

The Koran does not ask women to cover their faces. The growing use of the niqab represents the terrifying march of Wahhabism, which aims to expunge the female Muslim presence from the public space. Exiles from religious authoritarian regimes who fled to the West now find the evil has followed them.

Veils affirm the pernicious idea of women as carriers of original sin. The brilliant Moroccan feminist Fatima Mernissi asks why powerful men “can’t look at our hair and appreciate a Muslim woman standing defiant, her shoulders back, her breast advanced, her eyes boldly scrutinising them? Why do they all dream of this fully veiled self-deprecating creature?”

And if I were one of millions of decent Muslim men, I would be incandescent at the assumptions made about Muslim male lust and self-control, which supposedly collapses at the sight of a lock of hair.

As long as it ensures genuine equal standards for all, a liberal nation has no obligation to extend its liberalism to condone the most illiberal practices. Europe still treats Muslims as undeserving inferiors. The media lurches drunkenly between pandering to Muslim separatists and maligning us all as the aliens within. It is hard to be a Muslim today. And it becomes harder still when some choose deliberately to act and dress as aliens.

To Luke Johnson, chairman of Channel 4, and to its director of programmes, Kevin Lygo, Ms Ravat is just one more off-the-wall, wacky Christmas messenger – joining Sharon Osbourne, Brigitte Bardot and Ali G, its bearers in previous years. But Muslim women suffocating under the cloak of oppression will not see the funny side. And as a Muslim feminist, I don’t either.

Generating more heat than light

Salma addressing rally“Unfortunately, despite the intentions of its authors, I fear that their focus on attacking the currently dominant faith organisations will generate more heat than light. In conflating HT with the BNP as if they both pose equal threats to race relations; in echoing in all but name the charge of ‘Islamofascist’ against organisations like MCB; in regurgitating, along with the government and rightwing tabloids, the spectre of sinister self-appointed Muslim community leaders who keep the their foot firmly on the neck of their communities; the manifesto only serves to add more layers of confusion than strip them away.”

Salma Yaqoob responds to the “New Generation Network manifesto”.

Comment is Free, 28 November 2006

Soumaya socks it to Sunny

“What do I think of the New Generation Network manifesto published on Cif? It is intellectually flawed and politically unproductive. The document has generated a string of articles by its signatories. But it failed to move beyond the parameters of dominant discourse on religion and ethnicity and thus brought nothing new. For the ideas that formed its core, all one would have had to do is refer to Ruth Kelly’s recent statements on the subject saving us much noise and a great deal of ink.”

Soumaya Ghannoushi replies to Sunny Hundal and his chums.

Comment is Free, 24 November 2006

Observer stitches up MPACUK

“One of Britain’s most prominent speakers on Muslim issues is today exposed as a supporter of David Irving, the controversial historian who for years denied the Holocaust took place. Asghar Bukhari, a founder member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), which describes itself as Britain’s largest Muslim civil rights group, sent money to Irving and urged Islamic websites to ask visitors to make donations to his fighting fund.”

Jamie Doward in the Observer, 19 November 2006

Except that, if you read the article, you find that all this took place back in 2000. Bukhari says that at that time he didn’t realise who Irving was and now describes his actions as “gravely mistaken”. So, in other words, he clearly isn’t “a supporter of David Irving”.

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Double think on incitement

In the wake of BNP leader Nick Griffin’s acquittal on a charge of inciting racial hatred against Muslims, editorials in both the Sunday Telegraph and the Observer come out against tightening the law.

Their arguments are ignorant – the Torygraph is evidently labouring under the impression that Mizanur Rahman was convicted of incitement to murder, when he was of course convicted of inciting racial hatred – and also incoherent. The Observer argues that Griffin’s case was different because his speech was made “in private” – though what that has to do with the issue of incitement is unclear. Does the Observer think it would have been OK for Griffin to incite people to go out and murder Muslims, as long as his speech was made at a BNP internal meeting?

Both the Telegraph and the Observer argue that words which fall short of actually inciting violence should not be criminalised – which is in fact an argument for abolishing most of the existing legislation against inciting racial hatred. No doubt the Telegraph would welcome such a step. We can only assume that the Observer agrees.

Muslims – ‘a community which is the source of such a great menace’

“If there are, indeed, 100,000 Muslims who cannot see the wrong of 7 July, then we are in trouble. The only people who can change this are Muslims, but there is no obvious effort to address the problem from within. The Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, couldn’t have been more bald about the Muslim community last week. ‘Their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when Muslims are victims … and always wrong when Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists.’

“If the perpetrators of these outrages are Muslim – sometimes rather well-to-do Muslims, it seems – and the members of the 200-odd cells that MI5 is investigating are Muslim, it is not good enough for Muslims to fall back on bristling victimhood. To the rest of us, it simply seems nonsensical that a community which is the source of such a great menace, and which has offered support to it, can at the same time claim persecution. We need leadership from British Muslims and a contract between their community and the vast majority, in which the same ideals of peace, law and order are agreed upon without reference to religious needs. For this is not a religious matter; it is about law and order in a secular society.

“Is this illiberal? No, and nor is the concern that Islamic faith schools are being used to distance a generation of young people from the values of the surrounding society…. These schools are undesirable in the extreme and steps should be taken to end the separate development that they posit. But the government would rather reduce all liberties than be seen to target a minority.”

Henry Porter in the Observer, 12 November 2006

Race hate laws split the cabinet

The government is facing a major split over race hate laws, with cabinet colleagues divided over whether the legislation should be toughened.

Two cabinet heavyweights – the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, and the Home Secretary, John Reid – differ over how to respond to Friday’s acquittal of the British National Party leader, Nick Griffin, and a fellow BNP activist.

The split comes as Brown, Reid and the Tory leader David Cameron all made moves yesterday to boost their credentials over anti-terror measures and law and order ahead of the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday. The speech will include sweeping new measures to tackle antisocial behaviour, immigration, reoffending and terrorism.

Brown responded to the BNP verdict by saying Griffin’s description of Islam as a “wicked, vicious faith” would offend “mainstream opinion in this country”. He said: “If there is something that needs to be done to look at the law, then I think we will have to do that.”

But Home Office sources said Reid was taking a more cautious line, ruling out new legislation until well into next year. They said he wanted to see how a new race and religious hatred law – watered down by amendments in the House of Lords – “bedded in” when it came into force in February.

The Brown-Reid divide was seen as particularly significant because the Home Secretary is being mentioned by some Blair loyalists as a potential successor to the Prime Minister.

The Chancellor’s suggestion that the law might have to be tightened also prompted a strong reaction from the Liberal Democrat peer who helped lead the Lords’ opposition to last year’s bill.

Lord Lester, a leading human rights lawyer, said he and others would strongly oppose tougher legislation, and criticised the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, for bringing a prosecution against the BNP leader. “What we need is not new laws but a more sensible attorney-general,” he said.

Goldsmith is planning a meeting tomorrow with the Crown Prosecution Service lawyers who prosecuted Griffin and the other BNP member, Mark Collett. “He will examine whether prosecutors have sufficient powers to take the necessary action,” a spokeswoman in the Attorney General’s office said yesterday.

Last year’s bill, before it was diluted by the Lords amendments, would have allowed people to be prosecuted for using “threatening, insulting or abusive behaviour”. Under the final version only “threatening” behaviour is covered. The prosecution will also have to show intention to foment hatred rather than just recklessness.

Observer, 12 November 2006

PC Farooq case shows ‘our Islamic blind spot’, says Nick Cohen

Nick Cohen 3“The case of PC Amjad Farooq shows how, despite all the fuss since 9/11, we don’t have a yardstick against which to judge radical Islam. After six weeks with the Diplomatic Protection Group, Special Branch revoked his counter-terrorism clearance. Its vetters found that he sent his children to a mosque that the police suspected ‘radical’ Islamist groups had infiltrated….

“If the mosque where Farooq’s children were sent to study the Koran really was a centre of extremism its worshippers would believe in the subjugation of women, the death penalty for homosexuals and Muslims who abandon their religion, Adolf Hitler’s conspiracy theories about the Jews and the replacement of democracy with tyranny. In short, they would be parroting a large part of the agenda of white fascists. Yet it is the height of bad taste to point this out in polite society….

“The best way to keep the peace is to do what many still can’t do: admit the Islamist far Right exists and isolate it. If you pretend that sensible measures against it are an attack on all Muslims, you will only give aid and comfort to those least deserving of it.”

Nick Cohen in the Evening Standard, 8 November 2006

Perhaps PC Farooq should be grateful that Cohen isn’t calling for him to delivered into the hands of some foreign dictatorship and tortured.

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We have to deport terrorist suspects – whatever their fate

Nick Cohen 2“Everyone now condemns past governments for allowing London to become ‘Londonistan’, a centre for Islamist exiles”, Nick Cohen tells us. Do they, now? And would those “Islamist exiles” include people like Rashid al-Ghannoushi, perhaps? Presumably so, because as far as Cohen is concerned there is no principled difference between democratic Islamists and Al-Qaeda supporters.

Cohen continues: “A foreigner who MI5 says is a threat to national security has no right to refugee status.” Such touching faith in the reliability of Britain’s security services. And none of your liberal whingeing about people being entitled to a fair hearing, or having a right to question the evidence MI5 might claim to have against them.

No, Nick’s quite clear about it. There is no realistic alternative – the suspects will simply have to be deported back to their countries of origin. And if those countries are headed by dictatorial regimes that habitually use torture against oppositionists … well, that’s just tough.

Observer, 5 November 2006

See also Lenin’s Tomb, 5 November 2006