Counter the EDL/SDL across the country this Saturday

The EDL has called a number of regional demonstrations across the country this weekend, with the obvious hope of building for a big turnout in Tower Hamlets next month. They plan to march in Edinburgh, Hull, and Portsmouth this Saturday, 17th August. Local UAF groups are mobilising with broad forces to ensure that there is an anti-fascist/anti-racist presence in these areas on the day.

In Edinburgh we are urging activists from across Scotland to stop the SDL from marching upon the annual Edinburgh Festival. This is a clear affront to the multicultural and diverse nature of the festival and must be resisted!

Below are assembly details for each protest:

Oppose the SDL march through the heart of Edinburgh during the festival.
Saturday 17 August
Assemble 12pm
Chambers Street, Edinburgh city centre. Scotland-wide mobilisation.

Saturday 17 August
Assemble 11am
Pearson Park Mosque, (corner of Park Road & Pearson Park). Supported by Hull TUC.

Saturday 17 August
Assemble 12pm
Meet at the Fountain, Commercial Road, Portsmouth.

UAF news report, 13 August 2013

A litmus test for anti-Muslim bigotry

There’s an interesting and rather illuminating thought experiment you can perform when listening to media figures and politicians discuss Muslims. Take the recent interview on Fox News of the author Reza Aslan, where the host interrogated him at length about his religious background, at one point accusing him of having “gone on several programmes while never disclosing [he is] a Muslim”.

Or take New Atheist ideologue Sam Harris, who has said “We should profile Muslims, or anyone who looks like he or she could conceivably be Muslim”, as well as his counterpart Richard Dawkins who has become famous for asking incisive questions like “Who the hell do these Muslims think they are”?

This is all above-board language in today’s popular discourse. But as a simple test try replacing the word “Muslim” with “Jew”; or “Muslim” with “Black” in each of these quotes and see how it sounds in your head. Most likely, it sounds significantly less comfortable, normal, and acceptable than it did just a moment ago.

Indeed, it’s difficult to imagine how Harris, Dawkins, or the Fox News host who questioned Aslan about his faith could continue as public figures were they to make the same types comments about any minority group other than Muslims. They would’ve in all likelihood won broad, well-justified, condemnation and even been drummed out of the public sphere for their frank bigotry.

Perhaps they’d have been taken up as martyrs by the fringe-right where such xenophobic language about Jews and Blacks is still commonplace. Instead they’ve so far been permitted to continue spreading hatred against one of the few minority communities it is still acceptable to negatively generalise, degrade and menace.

Murtaza Hussain in Al Jazeera, 12 August 2013

Police: French soldier planned to attack mosque on last day of Ramadan

A French soldier has been arrested in connection with alleged plans to attack a mosque in the city of Lyon, police said.

The man, 23, was arrested at an air base in Lyon after relatives told police they found suspicious documents in his possession, Radio France International reported Monday. The Interior Ministry said charges against him include planning to damage a place of worship “in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Investigators said the soldier told them he planned to fire shots at a mosque in Venisseux, a Lyon suburb, on the last day of Ramadan. He also admitted to throwing a firebomb at a mosque in southwestern Libourne in August 2012.

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David Cameron says high-level taskforce to tackle violence against Muslims

David Cameron at Jamia Mosque

A high-level taskforce set up by David Cameron to tackle extremism will focus on violence against Muslims at its next meeting, the Prime Minister has said. The move comes after a wave of attacks on mosques and Islamic centres following the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich in May.

Mr Cameron said the next meeting of the tackling extremism and radicalisation taskforce would be “looking at the problem of violence against Muslim communities”. He told The Muslim News: “I condemn these attacks absolutely, but more important than condemnation is action. I think we can say that this Government has taken action. The police have acted very robustly in response to these attacks.”

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Majority opposed to hijab in French universities

Figaro hijab polls

Le Figaro reports that an Ifop poll it commissioned has found that almost eight out of ten people in France are opposed to the wearing of the headscarf or veil in university classrooms. It quotes Jerome Fourquet of Ifop as stating that this represents a similar level of opposition to the hijab that has been found in previous polls on this issue.

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UCF prof accused of anti-Muslim teachings blasted again by America-Islamic advocacy group

Jonathan Matusitz with Geller and GaffneyAn American-Islamic advocacy group is asking Brevard County not to allow “an anti-Muslim hate group” to use a commission meeting room in Viera on Tuesday for a speech by a controversial University of Central Florida professor.

“It creates the perception of endorsement and approval by the Brevard County government of this group’s hateful views,” said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR].

Jonathan Matusitz, an associate professor at UCF, is set to speak at an ACT! For Space Coast Florida meeting in a county room during a session titled “The Islamic Threat to America.” ACT! Space Coast Florida is a chapter of a national organization that warns the public of what it describes as “radical Islam.”

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Mike Huckabee goes all-in on Islamophobia, calls Muslims ‘animals’

Mike HuckabeeNever one to let facts interfere with his opinions, Mike Huckabee recently compared Muslims on holy days to “uncorked animals.” The benighted former Arkansas governor made the comments on his radio show Wednesday, saying that Muslims emerging from mosques on Fridays, the day of prayer, “come out of there like uncorked animals, throwing rocks and burning cars”.

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Richard Dawkins criticised for Twitter comment about Muslims

Dawkins Nobels Prizes tweets

The outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins was involved in an online Twitter row on Thursday after tweeting: “All the world’s Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.”

As users piled in to criticise him, the scientist continued: “Why mention Muslim Nobels rather than any other group? Because we so often hear boasts about (a) their total numbers and (b) their science.”

His other posts included: “You can attack someone for his opinion. But for simply stating an intriguing fact? Who would guess that a single Cambridge College” and “Muslims aren’t a race. What they have in common is a religion. Rather than Trinity, would you prefer the comparison with Jews? Google it.”

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‘This is a Muslim area and we don’t want to see that’: Mob pelts brothers-in-law wearing mankinis on sponsored walk with stones and accuses them of being paedophiles

That’s the headline to another Muslim-bashing article in the Daily Mail. Over at Zelo Street Tim Fenton expresses scepticism about the whole story, noting that the Mail has overlooked the far-right links of the individuals involved.

France may ban hijab in universities

Momentum is growing in France for a ban on wearing religious symbols in the country’s universities. A new report recommends prohibiting students from wearing religious symbols, such as Christian crucifixes, Jewish Kippah skullcaps and Muslim headscarves.

Due to “escalating tensions in all sectors of university life” the High Council of Integration (HCI), a research institute founded by the French government, has made 12 recommendations to ease religious tensions among students.

The report’s key proposal would prohibit wearing religious symbols in “lecture theaters and [other] places of teaching and research in public areas at universities,” Le Monde reported.

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