An alleged food contamination scare involving one of Australia’s favourite foods has exposed a One Nation candidate’s anti-Muslim campaign.
A jar of Nestle coffee was found with its seal broken and a sticker saying “Beware! Halal food funds terrorists” in aisle four of Woolworths supermarket at Underwood, south of Brisbane, earlier this month. Two tins of Milo, also produced by Nestle, were found with the same stickers but the seals were not broken.
The supermarket immediately alerted Queensland Health and police which launched a joint investigation. Scientific tests by Queensland Health found that while the seal was broken there was nothing to indicate it had been deliberately damaged. The tests also found the coffee had not been contaminated. The police investigation culminated in the arrest of a 27-year-old Kingston woman who will front the Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Friday charged with one count of product contamination.
A basic internet search of the stickers found on the Nestle products shows it can be purchased from Restore Australia whose CEO is Mike Holt, the One Nation Party’s candidate for the federal seat of Fairfax. Mr Holt, who co-founded the organisation and is based on the Sunshine Coast, said the website Restore Australia was a non-political organisation wanting to restore power to the people.