WHEATFIELD — Town Supervisor Robert B. Cliffe released a letter to his constituents Wednesday, saying the town has no role in approving or blocking an Islamic cultural center at a former restaurant. The letter was issued in reaction to a few strongly negative comments from residents. “I’ve received two of what I would consider hate calls, and one email,” Cliffe said.
Town Attorney Robert J. O’Toole said he got some calls, too. “What we got are calls that were opposed to the center because of who the people are and because of their religion,” O’Toole said. “There was one call from a person who said he didn’t consider Islam a religion.”
Cliffe told The Buffalo News, “One crazy or two crazies in this world, that’s not too surprising.” He wrote in his letter that one of the comments he received was, “Don’t you know we are at war with these people?” O’Toole, who said he is a lay preacher at local Presbyterian churches, commented, “We’re not at war with all Islam. We’re at war with some people who happen to be Muslim who may not have the proper understanding of their own faith.”
Suzanne Guenther, who was co-owner of the former Suzanne’s Fine Dining, said she has gotten quite a few calls, too. “I just think people are getting out of control,” she said. “How can you hate someone you don’t even know? Every nationality deserves a chance.”
The head of the Islamic Center of Western New York, Mohammad Salem Agwa, said he intends to hold a public meeting at a time and place to be determined. “This would be a center for interfaith gatherings, for Muslims and non-Muslims,” Agwa said.
Cliffe wrote in his letter, “Simply put, neither I nor the Town Board have any function in the sale of this property. We did not invite Mr. Agwa to make this purchase, nor do we envision a problem with this purchase.” Cliffe said the sale to the Islamic Center of Western New York was a private transaction and required no town approval.
Agwa made an application to the town Planning Board, which determined Oct. 1 that there was no need for a vote under the terms of the town’s planning and zoning code. “It’s a conforming use,” Cliffe said. The Islamic Center’s plan calls for banquets and gatherings, similar to Suzanne’s.
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