Tory MP says ‘Trojan Horse’ affair shows Enoch Powell was right

Baroness Thatcher death
“Want to wear the niqab? Prefer not to shake hands with the opposite sex? Then get out of our ‘tolerant’ Christian country”

A Tory MP has threatened to pour petrol on the glowing embers of the Birmingham schools ‘Trojan Horse’ row – by invoking Enoch ‘Rivers of Blood’ Powell. In a letter to a constituent seen by Scrapbook, Sir Gerald Howarth – the chairman of Thatcherite group Conservative Way Forward – writes:

“Clearly, the arrival of so many people of non-Christian faith has presented a challenge, as so many of us, including the late Enoch Powell, warned decades ago. Recent events have illustrated that some of these new arrivals have a very different ethos from traditional Christian schools and we are right to intervene to prevent them from teaching divisive ideology to children born here.”

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Lock up Muslims who travel to Syria, says Boris

Conservative Party Conference ContinuesLondon mayor Boris Johnson devotes his column in today’s Daily Telegraph (“Do nothing, and we invite the tide of terror to our front door”) to the murder of James Foley and ISIS’s success in extending its control over areas of Syria and Iraq.

Johnson asserts that we “need to be far more effective in preventing British and other foreigners from getting out there”.

In order to suggest that this is a specifically British issue, he adds sarcastically: “I am interested to see how many Belgians are there.” Obviously not interested enough to check the figures, though. A report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation estimated that, as of December 2013, up to 296 Belgians had travelled to Syria to participate in the resistance to Assad. The figure for the UK was 366.

Johnson, however, apparently knows better than the ICSR’s researchers how many fighters from the UK are in Syria. He tells his readers that there are “perhaps five or six hundred Britons currently out there”. Where he gets that statistic from is unclear. Five hundred – the figure suggested by Sir Peter Fahey of ACPO – is at the top of the range of official estimates of the number of people who have gone to Syria to join the opposition forces since the outbreak of civil war there in 2011.

It is thought that half of these individuals have since returned to the UK, while as many as 40 fighters have lost their lives. So the number of people still out there is probably little more than a couple of hundred. Furthermore, there is no reason to suppose that the majority of them joined ISIS rather than the other anti-Assad opposition forces – who have been engaged in armed conflict not just with Assad’s regime but with ISIS too.

The majority of young Muslims who travelled to Syria would have been motivated, not by the desire to join a murderous gang of fanatics, but by the entirely admirable wish to defend the Syrian people against the murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad. It seems likely, therefore, that the number of UK citizens who have joined ISIS is in the dozens rather than the hundreds.

Not that any of this enters into Johnson’s assessment of the situation. He writes: “The police can and do interview the returnees, but it is hard to press charges without evidence. The law needs a swift and minor change so that there is a ‘rebuttable presumption’ that all those visiting war areas without notifying the authorities have done so for a terrorist purpose.”

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Nick Ferrari denounces the ‘creeping tide of treachery’ among British Muslims

This is the price we have to pay for the years we allowed hate-filled preachers to spread their messages of evil and unrest to vulnerable young recruits outside mosques each week with police just watching and doing nothing more than making up the numbers.

We did nothing as some of our schools were infiltrated to the point where Christmas was banned, non-Muslim children were denied the opportunity to go on school trips and the public address system was hijacked to broadcast the daily call to prayer.

We permitted groups of mostly Muslim agitators to burn poppies in front of horrified former servicemen, carry posters advocating the murder of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and yell ugly chants with the police again doing nothing more than acting as spectators.

The liberal Left, egged on by a combination of the chattering classes and a supine media led by state broadcaster the BBC crippled with the fear of being seen to be anything less than insanely tolerant, ensured that instead of offering any credible resistance to the creeping tide of treachery, the perverted zealots were as much encouraged as they were indulged.

Everything was done in favour of a tiny and, in some parts, twisted minority, and the rest of us would have to lump it….

Perhaps the most sickening aspect of the lot is that so many of those nursing hate in their hearts and murder in their heads are being funded by our benefit system. They might despise the West and all it stands for but clearly they can suspend the disgust long enough to cash their giros.

Nick Ferrari explains the presence of a British recruit to ISIS in their video of the murder of James Foley.

Sunday Express, 24 August 2014

South Park creator sings song at ‘Ground Zero mosque’ protest – shock revelation

The report by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero on yesterday’s right-wing protest against the Park51 development features the astonishing news that “Trey Parker sang his original song about stopping the Ground Zero Mosque”. Presumably they mean Trade Martin. Martin’s song has been ridiculed as the sort of tasteless parody that the creators of South Park might come up with, and it would appear that the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero agrees.

Multiculturalism has brought us honour killings and Sharia law, says (former) Archbishop

George CareyMulticulturalism has resulted in honour killings, female genital mutilation and rule by Sharia law, a former Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed, as he called for Britons fighting with Isil to be “banished” from the country.

Lord Carey of Clifton said Muslim communities must “discipline” their young people or see them “banished” from Britain after leaving to fight in Syria and Iraq. Islamic leaders in Britain have failed to clearly denounce religious fanatics in the wake of the murder of James Foley by a suspected British jihadist, he suggested.

Britain must “recover a confidence in our nation’s values”, Lord Carey wrote in the Mail on Sunday.

“For too long we have been self-conscious and even ashamed about British identity. By embracing multiculturalism and the idea that every culture and belief is of equal value we have betrayed our own traditions of welcoming strangers to our shore. In Britain’s hospitable establishment different beliefs were welcomed but only one was preeminent – Christianity.

“The fact is that for too long the doctrine of multiculturalism has led to immigrants establishing completely separate communities in our cities. This has led to honour killings, female genital circumcision and the establishment of sharia law in inner-city pockets throughout the UK.”

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Immigration and multiculturalism led to the murder of James Foley, claims Express columnist

The fact is that extremism has flourished in a climate formed by the twin strategies of mass immigration and multiculturalism. Open borders have led to a phenomenal expansion in Britain’s Muslim population to almost three million, many of the new arrivals hailing from parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia where Islamic sectarianism is rife.

At the same time the dogma of cultural diversity has become one of the central obsessions of the state. We are constantly told that we must celebrate the vibrant enrichment of our society. But, by its emphasis on cultural differences and its loathing for traditional British values the doctrine of diversity has been a catastrophe for Britain.

In place of integration it has promoted division and separatism. We are a land increasingly without a mutual sense of belonging or shared national identity. It is little wonder that, according to one recent survey, 26 per cent of Muslims here said they feel no loyalty to Britain.

Enthusiasts for multi-culturalism love to blather about tolerance, yet it is richly ironic that their pernicious creed has promoted intolerance, misogyny and reactionary oppression. In predominantly Muslim areas diversity means the triumph of the burka, sharia law, fundamentalism in state schools and a reluctance to speak English.

A typical rant from Leo McKinstry in the Daily Express, 22 August 2014

Khalid Mahmood helps right-wing press whip up Islamophobia

Times and Express front pages

These are the front page headlines from two of today’s newspapers.

The Times headline parrots an earlier Newsweek article entitled “‘Twice as many’ British Muslims fighting for ISIS than in UK armed forces”. The source for this claim is Khalid Mahmood MP, who is a member of the Political Council of the neoconservative Henry Jackson Society and has a record of scaremongering over extremism within the Muslim community, most recently during the so-called “Trojan Horse” witch-hunt of schools in Birmingham.

Mahmood told Newsweek that at least 1,500 young British Muslims have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria over the past three years, whereas there are only 600 Muslims serving in the armed forces (the official figure is in fact 640).

There has been a systematic campaign by the British media to exaggerate the threat posed by young Muslims who have left the UK to fight in Syria, but nobody other than Mahmood himself, who offers no evidence at all to back up his claim, has ever suggested there are anything like 1,500 of them.

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Row over French MEP’s Muslim veil comments

Nadine Morano tweet

A French MEP and former minister has created a storm in France by posting a picture of a veiled woman sitting on a beach and criticising it as an “attack on our culture”.

Nadine Morano, a close ally of former president Nicolas Sarkozy, took a picture of the woman wearing a headscarf and posted it on her Twitter feed and Facebook page next to a famous photo of sex symbol Brigitte Bardot wearing a bikini.

“When one sees this scene, one cannot but help feel an attack on our culture that goes against our sexual equality,” wrote Morano, from the centre-right UMP party.

“If you choose to come to France, a state of law, a secular state, one should respect our culture and women’s rights. If not, go elsewhere!” said Morano, who is well-known for gaffes and outspoken comments.

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Mordechai Kedar joins Geller at pro-Israel, anti-Islam rally

Mordechai Kedar at AFDI rally August 2014Yesterday Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s American Freedom Defense Initiative held a rally in Union Square, New York, under the slogan “We the living support Israel”.

In an apparent attempt to boost turnout – even Geller must be aware that the vast majority of New York’s Jewish community, including committed supporters of the state of Israel, will have nothing to do with her – the event was subtitled “And minorities persecuted under Islamic rule”.

According to Geller, an individual who enjoys at best a tenuous relationship with reality, the event attracted “thousands” of AFDI supporters, though it’s odd that her website contains no pictures of this vast throng. From photographic evidence, it looks as though the attendance was at most a couple of hundred. A report at the Huffington Post puts it at “around 150”.

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Kevin Sorbo thinks bombing a mosque is a joke

Kevin Sorbo as HerculesKevin Sorbo, former star of the TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, is fond of denouncing the liberal consensus in Hollywood and has set himself up as a spokesperson for the Christian right.

He is particularly outraged by political correctness, which he claims is “melting our moral compass” and results in discrimination against Christianity in favour of Islam. “I don’t understand this ‘please embrace the Muslim religion, but not Christians'”, he complains.

In 2010 Sorbo fronted a documentary, produced by the Christian film company Cloud Ten Pictures, entitled The 12 Biggest Lies. Along with “men and women are equal” and “the earth is billions of years old”, these supposed lies included “Islam is a religion of peace”. Among the “experts” who appeared in the documentary were notorious Islamophobes such as Nonie Darwish.

One of them, Jack Kinsella of the Christian Zionist Hal Lindsey Ministries, derided what he called “the popular myth” that the majority of Muslims are non-violent. “If you’re going to use the Muslim definition of what is a good Muslim, then Osama bin Laden is a good Muslim,” he asserted.

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