Tory MP condemns ritual slaughter as un-British

Andrew Rosindell and dogAn MP and animal welfare campaigner yesterday supported the leader of Britain’s vets by demanding an end to the religious slaughter of animals. Andrew Rosindell, secretary of Parliament’s animal welfare group, demanded that Muslims and Jews stop killing more than half a million creatures a week by cutting their throats in accordance with holy texts.

“If you asked the average British citizen whether they agreed with this, they would say ‘No’. An animal has to be killed for food, but it needs to be done in a humane way,” Mr Rosindell said. “Why should we allow that kind of thing to go on in this country when it goes against everything that we really stand for as a people?”

He spoke out after John Blackwell, president-elect of the British Veterinary Association (BVA), urged religious leaders to end unstunned slaughter voluntarily or face a ban as in Denmark.

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Muslim group calls for cancellation of controversial speaker at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

CAIR Embry-Riddle press conference (2)Muslim Students and community leaders are protesting a controversial speaker at Embry-Riddle University. Activists organized a news conference Wednesday to highlight their concerns.

UCF Professor Jonathan Matusitz has previously controversially said, “coexistence with Islam is not possible.” That got the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, involved in an effort to cancel his appearance during a speaker series event this week.

Standing outside The Embry-Riddle Welcome Center, CAIR Florida Director Hassan Shibly says he has no problem with Matusitz, but doesn’t think he should speak at a school where Muslim students may experience backlash. “He certainly has the freedom to promote fear and hatred, but we must recognize that his promotion against American Muslims is not cost free,” Shibly says.

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Boris Johnson’s radicalisation myth-making

“Boris Johnson’s suggestion this week that children of Islamic extremists be taken into care to prevent their being radicalised illustrates perfectly our collective failure to understand the problem of terrorism.”

Arun Kundnani, author of the new study The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror, responds to the Mayor of London’s proposal in his recent Telegraph column.

Huffington Post, 4 March 2014

Freedom of Information requests show Student Rights private correspondence with universities

Students for Real Student Rights presents some revealing insights into the modus operandi of the Henry Jackson Society front organisation, the misnamed Student Rights.

Update:  See also Hilary Aked, “Student Rights gets a taste of its own medicine as fifth SU publicly condemns ‘anti-extremism’ group”, Huffington Post, 5 March 2014

Wilders helps to launch anti-Islam party in Australia

Wilders Q SocietyAn anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears among moderate Muslims of a rise in extremism.

Mr Wilders, an influential far-right figure expected to shape the results of this year’s European elections, told followers in a video message that the Australian Liberty Alliance was being formed to “offer civil minded Australians fresh political vision and better policies”. Policies advocated by Wilders’ Party for Freedom include deporting immigrants convicted of a crime and stopping all immigration from Islamic countries.

“Many of you are disappointed by current political parties and have had enough of politicians who sell our Western civilisation,” Mr Wilders said in his video. “Like you, good people in Europe, America, Canada have had enough of politicians who don’t share our values and foolishly declare all cultures are equal, and who lack the courage to speak the truth and say that Islam is the biggest threat to freedom today.”

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Boris throws more red meat to Tory supporters

Boris Johnson at ELM
Boris, friend of the Muslim community – Johnson on his visit to the East London Mosque in 2009

Possibly taking his inspiration from yesterday’s Daily Star Sunday front page, London mayor Boris Johnson proposes in his Telegraph column today that Muslim children considered to be under threat of “radicalisation” by their parents should be taken into care.

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UKIP roared with laughter at ‘comedian’ who told ‘jokes’ about Muslims and East Europeans

Paul EastwoodNigel Farage and hundreds of his UKIP supporters roared with laughter – as a comic cracked a string of offensive jokes about foreigners. The party’s leader clapped as Paul ­Eastwood took swipes at Indians, Muslims and Poles at a gala dinner marking the climax of its spring conference.

Referring to the Olympics, he told guests: “Poland did well. They took home bronze, silver, gold, lead, copper – anything they could get their hands on.” To claps and cheers he went on: “Team Somalia – they did well, didn’t they? They had to apologise. Didn’t realise sailing and shooting were two different events.”

Eastwood then asked: “Any Midlands people here? Wonderful! My favourite accent is a Midlands accent.” He then attempted an impression of an Asian voice. Eastwood chanted an Islamic call to prayer, mocking it as a “traditional Midlands folk song”.

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