Murfreesboro: Mosque opponents denied court intervention

Lou Ann Zelenik lambasts Rutherford County officialsMURFREESBORO, Tenn. — A Rutherford County Chancery Court judge has denied a temporary restraining order request by opponents to halt any consideration of a proposed Islamic Center of Murfreesboro cemetery.

Chancellor Robert Corlew III denied issuing a restraining order Wednesday against the Rutherford County Planning Commission to prevent it from considering a proposed cemetery at the mosque, located on Veals Road in Murfreesboro.

In his ruling, Corlew cited the fact that in November the Tennessee Supreme Court denied an appeal and affirmed an appellate ruling, which overturned his decision, in favor of the Planning Commission on the grounds adequate public notice was given prior to approving construction of the mosque in May 2010.

“While the court understands (their) position, it is the duty of this court to recognize that the (Tennessee) Court of Appeals took jurisdiction over all of these matters,” Corlew said, adding a “mandate was issued enforcing the decision of the Court of Appeals.”

“This court no longer has jurisdiction to consider pleadings filed by the plaintiffs,” he said.

The ruling comes as another blow to Islamic Center opponents who have tried in vain to block the construction of the mosque, which opened in August 2012, for more than three years through numerous lawsuits.

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Lies and hysteria over ‘gender segregation’

UUK protest adWhen Universities UK published its guidelines on External Speakers in Higher Education Institutions last month it can hardly have anticipated the outcry that would result.

The publication’s rather pedantic discussion of the possible legal implications of a hypothetical public meeting where gender separation was requested by a visiting speaker unleashed a wave of outrage, with UUK being angrily denounced for advocating a system of discrimination that was variously compared to the US South in the 50s or South Africa under apartheid (a protest last Tuesday evening outside the UUK headquarters in London “echoed much of what Nelson Mandela fought for”, wrote the Telegraph‘s Emma Pearce).

Education secretary Michael Gove (author of the Islamophobic tract Celcius 7/7) stepped in to accuse UUK of “pandering to extremism”. And by the end of last week media fury had reached such a pitch that the prime minister himself felt it necessary to intervene, with a spokesman stating that David Cameron “doesn’t believe guest speakers should be allowed to address segregated audiences”.

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Alabama: Fear of pro-Islamic bias delays state board’s adoption of new social studies books

Ancient CivilizationsConcerns that Alabama could recommend social studies textbooks with pro-Islamic bias caused the state board of education to cancel a planned vote on the books today, pending further review.

State Superintendent Tommy Bice said he would review the 12 books criticized by conservative groups and issue a recommendation to the board in January.

He had not decided whether he would recommend any of the books be excluded from the state’s recommended textbook list for social studies. “It’s not necessarily inaccurate  information but possible perceived omissions and terminology that was not strong enough, things like that,” Bice said of the allegations that the books “favored Islam.”

Board Vice President Charles Elliott of Decatur said he thought four of the 12 books would be removed.

[See a list of the 12 books in question.]

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LSE students’ union adopts resolution condemning ‘Student Rights’ group

LSE Students' UnionLast week the London School of Economics students’ union debated a motion opposing Islamophobia, which was passed by 347 votes to 118 with 32 undecided. The motion condemned the misnamed Student Rights campaign, stating:

“Student Rights activities fuel Islamophobia, by disproportionately and unfairly targeting Muslim students, contributing to their marginalisation and ostracisation, damaging campus cohesion and feeding into a growing trend of Islamophobic discourse in wider society which should always be challenged, particularly in Islamophobia Awareness Month.”

The motion mandated union officers to issue a statement criticising Student Rights and write to university management expressing concerns about the activities of the group. Officers were also mandated to circulate the Real Student Rights petition.

UKIP boss heaps praise on Islam-baiter

Misty ThackerayThe interim chair of Ukip Scotland has been criticised over his support for a notorious far-right politician in the Netherlands who backs a ban on what he terms the “fascist” Koran. Misty Thackeray has described Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, who said Islam was the biggest threat to civilisation, as “great”.

As revealed by the Sunday Herald, Ukip in Scotland is imploding due to tensions between senior members. Of nine shortlisted candidates for the European election, at least six quit over the alleged tactics used by one candidate, Otto Inglis. Ukip chief Nigel Farage then sacked ­Monckton by email. That led to Scottish chair Mike Scott-Hayward and fundraiser Malcolm Macaskill quitting in protest. Local branch officials also resigned in a show of solidarity with Monckton, who said Ukip north of the Border had been “wiped out”.

Thackeray said he had been asked to act as Scottish chairman until the next annual general meeting, but his hardline right-wing views are causing alarm. The Glasgow-based 52-year-old, described as a security consultant on a business database, praised Wilders on Facebook last year. Wilders has argued the Koran, which he calls a “fascist book”, should be outlawed. He has called for a block on new mosques and claimed Islam was the “biggest threat to our freedom and our civilization”.

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Student Rights director promotes ‘counterjihad’-style propaganda against Islam

Islamisation of the West is real

Last month Observer columnist Nick Cohen posted a piece on his Spectator blog in which he attempted to distance himself from some of the more extreme elements in the Islamophobia industry.

Admitting that he had felt “irritable” when former English Defence League leader Stephen Lennon (“Tommy Robinson”) was presented as a guest of honour at an event where Cohen himself was speaking – it was to mark an award presented to the film Silent Conquest – Cohen even went so far as to state that he was “uneasy” about the message contained in the paranoid Islamophobic documentary he had been helping to publicise. He wrote: “Robinson’s appearance after a film that had made Muslims seem both an homogenous bloc and a conquering army summed up everything that was going wrong with the Right’s reaction to militant Islam.”

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Tennessee Lieutenant Governor says Islam advocates violence and Muslims refuse to condemn 9/11 hijackers

Ron RamseyLt. Gov. Ron Ramsey says in an interview with the student journalism program at Middle Tennessee State University that the Sept. 11 hijackers were members of a cult and he doesn’t think other Muslims are willing to call them that.

Ramsey’s comments, posted on YouTube, has earned the Republican speaker of the state Senate a rebuke from the Council on American Islamic Relations.

Responding to a question about the Rutherford County mosque controversy, Ramsey said that although “you can’t lump everybody into one bucket, at the same time there is an aspect of the Muslim religion that does advocate violence.”

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Geller: Oppose resolution condemning ethnic cleansing in Burma

Pamela Geller is telling her fellow anti-Muslim activists to convince Congress to reject a resolution “urging the Government of Burma to end the persecution of the Rohingya people and respect internationally recognized human rights for all ethnic and religious minority groups within Burma.”

The Rohingya minority have faced vicious persecution in Burma, but Geller accuses them of “waging jihad in Burma.”

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Tommy Robinson – ally in the defence of Judeo-Christian civilisation, or pawn of the stealth jihadists? Geller has difficulty making up her mind

Lennon, Spencer and Geller in StockholmIt’s becoming almost impossible to keep up with the twists and turns of Pamela Geller’s relationship with former English Defence League leader Stephen Lennon (“Tommy Robinson”).

When Lennon announced his break with the EDL in October, Geller immediately issued a statement enthusiastically welcoming that development and declared that she looked forward to working with him in the future. But within days she was angrily denouncing Lennon for selling out to the Quilliam Foundation and publicly repudiated him in the harshest possible language. “It has become painfully obvious that the enemies of freedom have broken Tommy Robinson …”, a furious Geller wrote. “Now he is the poster boy for the stealth jihad.”

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