Former Republican Congressman and outspoken conservative commentator Allen B. West has expressed his disapproval at an Islamic billboard sign campaign.
West posted his thoughts on the group’s “Why Islam?” billboard evangelism campaign Saturday on the former Florida congressman’s website. According to West, he saw the Why Islam? billboard while driving from an event at the Five Star Veterans Center in Jacksonville, Fla.
“As I drove home after the event heading to South Florida, ’round about Cocoa Beach I gazed over in amazement at a disturbing electronic billboard sign. I thought perhaps my eyes were just tired. However, as we got further down the road near Vero Beach, I saw the sign again,” wrote West. “So how was it that I gazed upon two electronic billboards promoting an ideology that translates into the word, ‘surrender?'”
West proceeded to write that the billboards were an example of the “dangerous triumvirate of progressive socialism, secular humanism, and Islamic totalitarianism.”