Salma Yaqoob: Stigmatising Muslims won’t solve problems in Birmingham schools

Salma_YaqoobThe residents of Birmingham ought to be able to sleep more easily tonight. Peter Clarke’s 129-page report into the city’s schools found no evidence of plots to indoctrinate, groom or recruit school pupils to an agenda of radicalisation, violent extremism or terrorism. This is also the key finding of the reports commissioned by Birmingham city council and Ofsted.

Clarke, a former counter-terror police chief, found that a small number of governors in a small number of schools have sought to influence curriculums with bigoted views. He says: “There has been coordinated, deliberate and sustained action, carried out by a number of associated individuals, to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos into a few schools. The effect has been to limit the life chances of the young people in their care and to render them more vulnerable to pernicious influences.”

Some of the views expressed are clearly unacceptable. There should be no place in our schools for the promotion of intolerance, division, sexism or homophobia. But these are problems that are capable of being solved without the inflammatory rhetoric most associated with the recently sacked Michael Gove. There is no natural spectrum that takes a person from observing a faith to extremism, to violent extremism.

Unfortunately, a great deal of damage has been done by politicians who whip up hostility towards migrants coming to this country or towards a Muslim community that is very much part of Britain. Viewing the problems of governance through the prism of “culture wars”, with Birmingham schools as the battlefield, was bound to leave many casualties. The reality on the ground is a huge increase in bullying – including in one case Muslim children having a dog set on them – and being taunted with accusations of learning to make bombs at school. The impact of this stigma on a whole generation of the city’s Muslim students when applying to universities and jobs cannot be overstated.

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Courageous bus passenger praised for speaking out against ‘racist rant’ by EDL supporter

EDL not racist not violentA brave bus passenger who challenged a woman’s drunken, racist rant was attacked and spat on, Newbury magistrates have been told. Afterwards, fellow Thatcham travellers praised victim Christine Dare’s courageous stand. Miss Dare later told police: “I had to act. It was too much to ignore.”

In the dock on Thursday, July 10, was 35-year-old Tara Elaine King, of Fallows Road, Padworth. Helen Waite, prosecuting, said Ms King was talking to the bus driver in Thatcham, loudly praising the English Defence League, making racist comments and swearing. Several passengers were incensed, said Ms Waite, “but it was Ms Dare who had the gumption to do something about it”.

Having vainly asked Ms King to keep her opinions to herself and moderate her language because there was a young child nearby, Ms Dare approached the driver and asked him to act, magistrates were told. But, said Ms Waite, the driver told her to sit down – and when she did, Ms King approached, leaned over and spat on her.

Ms Dare said later: “I was horrified by her actions. I pushed her away, but she was shouting and came at me again; there was a scuffle and I grabbed her hair.”

Ms Waite said: “Very unedifying CCTV footage shows them hanging on to each other’s heads. The defendant was on top of her in her seat. She grabbed Ms Dare’s face and scratched it. The bus pulled into a layby and a man came to Ms Dare’s assistance. Police were called and, as she was led away, she told Ms Dare: ‘Look at my face so I can remember you.’”

Passenger Jodie Conyard said she was offended by Ms King’s racist remarks about Muslims and another, John Young, said he was upset to hear a “drunken” Ms King make derogatory comments about black people.

Both praised Ms Dare and offered to give evidence on her behalf when Ms King initially denied assault by beating. However she later changed her plea to guilty, while not accepting that she spat on Ms Dare.

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Muslim women thrown out of French swimming pool for wearing ‘burkinis’

Rives des CorbieresTwo Muslim women were ordered to leave a swimming pool in a French holiday village on the southwest coast for wearing body-covering “burkinis”. The women had plunged into the pool at le Port Leucate wearing full body swimsuits, including a head-covering hijab veil, but were immediately told to get out of the water.

The women at the Rives des Corbieres holiday camp were told to leave as they had breached the camp’s rules allowing only conventional bikinis or one-piece swimsuits “for hygiene reasons”.

Police received conflicting accounts of what happened next. The pool’s lifeguard filed a complaint saying the husband of one of the women threatened him with a bowling ball. The husband filed a complaint claiming security personnel beat him up.

Marie-Paule Bardeche, a regional government official said: “This is above all an issue stemming from the holiday centre’s internal regulations, in place for hygiene and sanitary reasons. Access to the swimming pool is reserved for ordinary swimsuit wearers.”

The holiday camp where the burkini incident took place is run by a staunchly secular organisation called the “Aude federation of secular works”.

Daily Telegraph, 22 July 2010

See also the Daily Mail, 22 July 2010

Here are some comments from the Mail (bear in mind that they have been “moderated in advance”):

“Hooray for the French. If burka-wearers are so extreme in their islamic views, then why don’t they go back to their islamic countries?”

“Well, France always was the pioneer of common sense … now it is, hopefully, paving the way for the rest of Europe regarding the encroachment of Islamofascism.”

“Stupid women in stupid outfits, taking orders from stupid men with stupid ideas. End of story. Well done to France for having the backbone to ban these idiots.”

“The French are finally fighting back after decades of being intimidated by the enormous mass of their immigrant population from North Africa. Immigrants which were brought in by the millions by previous misguided politicians, as a permanently loyal voter base – except they turned out not to be loyal at all. Now the French have to cope with riots in the streets by the disaffected immigrants’s children. With unmanageable crime rates. With crippling Welfare costs. And with the slow but sure disintegration of their culture, institutions and way of life. Does that sound familiar?”

“Well done France – a nation prepared to fight for their heritage and culture in the face of the coloniser’s onslaught.”

“GOOD, they deserve to be kicked out … this thing were we in the west pamper to the wims of these fanatics should stop.”

“It would never happen in this country, we the British would be asked to leave before muslims.”

“You have to admire the French, they don’t stand for any nonsense unlike the British who pander to anyone who is not British.”

“Why should radical Muslims think they can have special treatment. In fact far too many people are kowtowing down to these radicals demand.”

“if Muslims don’t like the way we do things in Europe then it’s quite simple they should go and live in a Muslim country. This would stop the tension for Muslims and non-Muslims.”

“GOOD! Bravo France. Its about time people in the West stood up to this. If they dont like our laws, rules and beliefs and have no respect for them then fine, go and live in a Muslim country that does.”

“Well done France! If women still decide to wear this form of attire then they have no right to be in a Western country.”

Britain First ‘roadshow’ not going well

Coventry protest against Britain First

In between “invading” mosques and harassing elderly Muslims, the far-right group Britain First have been holding a nationwide “roadshow” aimed at boosting recruitment to their tiny organisation. So far they have held half a dozen meetings across England and Scotland (a seventh, in Bristol, was cancelled), with one yet to come in Belfast.

On Friday the fascists turned up in Coventry, where they were confronted by an impressive 150-strong protest (see photo). Inside the meeting, the numbers were rather smaller. It would seem that buying Facebook likes and generating publicity by threatening mosques doesn’t translate into any great popular enthusiasm for joining one of Britain First’s “battalions”.

Even fewer supporters appear to have turned out for the Swanley leg of the roadshow on Saturday. Not only that, but according to Britain First’s account, while the meeting was under way the police had a word with the manager of the venue, who promptly cancelled the booking and gave them 10 minutes to vacate the premises.

Another flop for the South East Alliance

Anti-SEA protest Cricklewood

Having been humiliated by anti-fascists last month when they turned up in Cricklewood to stage a protest against the Muslim Brotherhood, the South East Alliance came back today for a rematch.

The dozen or so fascists that turned up (I counted 13 of them, although I’m told that at one point the SEA’s ranks swelled to fully 14 “patriots”) were put in a pen on Cricklewood Broadway, some distance away from the Muslim Brotherhood office they were targeting. They were confronted by several hundred counter-demonstrators.

After milling around pointlessly in their pen for a couple of hours, the SEA retreated back to Kilburn tube station under police escort. There were so few of them that they didn’t even get to use the road and their “march” was restricted to the pavement.

The SEA, needless to say, claimed a victory over the left. Even their own supporters weren’t buying that.

SEA claim victory

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Prisoners who ‘expressed deeply racist and anti-Muslim views’ sent letter bombs to solicitors

HMP Full SuttonTwo inmates at a maximum security prison have been condemned by police for posting crude explosive devices and racist letters to solicitors in West Yorkshire.

Bret Atkins, 23, and Jamie Snow, 27, prisoners at HMP Full Sutton near York, sent a series of threatening letters which police say were “designed to instil fear in their recipients”. Officers from the North East Counter Terrorism Unit were alerted to what they were doing by prison officers after they intercepted a letter containing an incendiary device.

A jury at Leeds Crown Court found Atkins guilty of conspiracy to send an explosive substance with intent and Snow, originally of Potternewton, Leeds, previously admitted sending an explosive substance with intent and two offences of threats to kill. They will be sentenced in September.

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Anti-racism protesters organise demonstration as Britain First plan meeting in Swanley

Anti-racism protesters are planning a demonstration against right-wing group Britain First which is holding a meeting in Swanley. The group originally planned to hold the meeting in Dartford, but tweeted that the first venue had cancelled due to “adverse police activity”.

Gabriel Forcella-Burton, organiser of the anti-Britain First protest, said: “This is exactly what happened in Wigan last week when the venue found out who they really were. I think it’s a combination of that and them knowing they would meet stiff opposition in Dartford.”

Britain First is now planning to meet at an unnamed venue in Swanley, the latest stop on the group’s controversial national tour.

Both Britain First and anti-racism protesters have been building support on social media over the last few weeks.

Mr Forcella-Burton said: “The majority of the protesters will be local people – some who have never met before. We have been in touch with some antifascist groups from the south east but the core will be from Dartford.”

The ‘Kentish Batallion’ of the stridently anti-Muslim Britain First recently ‘invaded’ Crayford Mosque in Bexley, demanding they remove signs designating separate entrances for men and women. Mr Forcella-Burton said: “The congregation from the Crayford Mosque they targeted two weeks ago will be present, as they have been directly affected by this.”

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BNP links up with Infidels and NF in Bolton anti-mosque campaign

Stop the Astley Bridge Mosque Bolton with NWI protest ad

The far-right group the North West Infidels, which originated in a split in the English Defence League, will be holding a demonstration in Bolton next month against the planned so-called “super mosque” in Astley Bridge. There is an existing campaign based on the Facebook page Stop the Astley Bridge Mosque Bolton, which has already organised several anti-mosque protests, and as you can see they are now enthusiastically promoting the Infidels’ demonstration.

The Stop the Astley Bridge Mosque Bolton campaign is led by Bryn Morgan (aka Morgan Jones) who is an activist in the British National Party. It was also a bit of a giveaway that the campaign’s Facebook page originally featured the same banner that had appeared earlier on a BNP protest against the expansion of a mosque in Farnworth. The Bolton News went so far as to describe one of the Stop the Astley Bridge Mosque Bolton demonstrations, not inaccurately, as a “BNP rally”. In short, there is no question that the BNP has played a leading role in the campaign.

It might seem odd that the BNP is promoting an event organised by a white supremacist, neo-Nazi group like the Infidels. Central to Nick Griffin’s “modernisation” strategy, which he implemented after ousting John Tyndall as BNP leader in 1999, was a policy of hiding the party’s fascist ideology and presenting an “image of moderate reasonableness” to the public, with the aim of attracting electoral support. During the following period, and indeed until quite recently, the BNP would have steered clear of any public involvement with an organisation like the Infidels. But times have changed.

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Muslim girl spat at and racially abused in Bristol city centre – and no one came to help

Corn Street BristolA teenage girl walking home from school through Bristol’s city centre was spat at in one of the busiest streets in the centre – a place where she should have been safe. And while the incident took place, leaving the 17-year-old feeling humiliated, nobody stopped to intervene or help.

Now councillors in the inner city ward where the girl lives say they fear there could be a backlash in Bristol if more “Islamophobic” incidents occur.

The girl, who has asked not to be named, was walking in the city centre along Corn Street wearing a headscarf when a man approached and started hurling insults at her. She tried to take the abuse in her stride, but the tirade got worse. The man began spitting in her face and all over her clothes and school bag.

The Bristol Post understands that he was swearing and shouting insults against Islam and her supposed birth place – even though the girl was born in Bristol, has never lived outside the city and considers herself British. Eventually the girl ran off and phoned her father who immediately came to pick her up. He took her to Trinity Road police station and made a formal complaint.

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Wrexham EDL supporter told shop owner ‘I’m a racist and I kill Muslims’

EDL not racist not violentA man entered a shop and told its Muslim owner “I’m a racist and I kill Muslims,” on the first anniversary of the death of soldier Lee Rigby.

Daniel Lee Lewis, of Church Street, Wrexham, entered the shop on Chester Street in Flint after midnight on May 23. He asked the owner where he was from and if he was a Muslim. The owner replied he was Turkish but had an English passport and told Lewis he was Muslim.

Lewis told the owner: “It’s alright, I won’t cause any trouble. It’s my country, I will do what I want. I’m a racist and I kill Muslims.” He spat on the shop floor and invited the owner outside for a fight. But the police had been called and he was arrested.

The 32-year-old told police: “It’s one year today to the death of Lee Rigby, there will be thousands of us in Manchester on Saturday,” before chanting EDL [English Defence League] at them.

Appearing at Wrexham Magistrates Court yesterday, Lewis pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words or behaviour with intent to cause racially aggravated fear of or provoke unlawful violence. He also admitted failure to surrender to bail.

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