Secularists assist right-wing anti-sharia hysteria

OLFA Law Society protest

The hysteria whipped up by the Sunday Telegraph over the Law Society’s guidelines for solicitors drawing up wills for Muslim clients (see here and here) has predictably been endorsed by the One Law for All Campaign, who organised a protest outside the Law Society headquarters.

OLFA, needless to say, denied that the protest was anti-Muslim. They issued a statement saying: “The fight against Sharia is clearly a defence of individual rights and freedoms, not an attack on Muslims. After all, Sharia Law is fundamentally the demand of Islamic states and the political movement to limit citizens’ rights.”

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Baroness Cox tells Israeli audience that ‘Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to destroy it’

Baroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury warned about the growing threat of political Islam in Britain and Africa at an event hosted by the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security at Tel Aviv University and The Israeli Institute for Strategic Studies on Monday.

“Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to destroy it,” as some of its adherents try to “inhibit criticism,” said Cox, speaking at the Green House next to the university. In England, if you criticize Islam, you are called a racist, she said.

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Yet another Islamophobe standing for ‘non-racist’ UKIP

Robert Bilcliff is standing as a candidate for the UK Independence Party in the local elections in Tamworth. The Mail on Sunday reported that Bilcliff’s response to the legalisation of same-sex marriage last month was to post a comment on Twitter reading: “Sad day for all us straight people.”

The Mail also reported that in a Facebook post in July 2012 Bilcliff “made a joke against Muslims”. Bilcliff told the paper: “I am not racist and never have been. I have many friends of different nationalities but I enjoy a joke every now and again.”

The Mail didn’t quote the “joke”, so here it is:

Robert Bilcliff anti-Muslim Facebook post

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Gilligan recycles 7-year-old anti-Muslim story as new shock-horror revelation

Express Muslims Tell Us How to Run Our SchoolsFor the last few weeks the Sunday Telegraph has been running a series of witch-hunting articles on the so-called “Trojan Horse plot” in Birmingham. The author of the reports, not entirely unexpectedly, is the discredited stitch-up artist Andrew Gilligan.

In the absence of any real evidence of the existence of such a “plot”, Gilligan has followed his usual method of hyping up the material he has managed to gather and loudly proclaiming that his charges have been proved. His repeated uncritical references to the transparently forged letter that provoked the furore in the first place – the most he is prepared to concede is that it contains “a number of inaccuracies” – give us an indication of Gilligan’s commitment to journalistic honesty.

The latest report by Gilligan is headlined “Guide to school Islamisation, by ‘ringleader’ of Trojan Horse plot”. He assures Telegraph readers that  a “document” produced by the Muslim Council of Britain in 2007, and co-authored by Tahir Alam, offered “a detailed blueprint for the radical ‘Islamisation’ of secular state schools which closely resembles what appears to be happening in Birmingham”.

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Plymouth Islamic education centre hit in £10,000 arson attack

Piety arson attack

An arson attack is thought to have caused £10,000 worth of damage to a recently refurbished Islamic education centre in South Devon.

People arrived at the Plymouth Islamic Education Trust centre (Piety) on April 19 to discover “raw sewerage pouring into the street” after a fire damaged the building’s exterior wall and sewage pipes. CCTV footage from the early hours of the morning suggests that the damage was caused by two individuals setting fire to wheelie bins beside the centre.

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Paul Weston arrested on suspicion of religious or racial harassment

Paul Weston arrestedA European election candidate has been arrested on suspicion of “religious or racial harassment” in a Hampshire city.

Liberty GB candidate Paul Weston had been reading a Winston Churchill quote describing Islam as “militant” and “retrograde” through a megaphone outside Winchester’s Guildhall on Saturday afternoon.

Standing on the steps of the Guildhall, he addressed passers-by with an excerpt from former Prime Minister Churchill’s book The River War, written in 1899 while he was a British army officer in the Sudan. Police were called after complaints from members of the public, and the 50-year-old, from Dorset, was told to disperse but failed to do so.

A spokesman for Hampshire Constabulary said: “He was further arrested on suspicion of religious or racial harassment. He has been bailed pending further enquiries to report back to police on May 24.”

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EDL-supporting UKIP candidate claims ‘Islam is organised crime under religious camouflage’

Magnus NielsenUkip could be haemorrhaging candidates before the May elections with yet more derogatory and offensive comments revealed from its prospective councillors.

One Enfield council candidate, William Henwood, suggested the comedian Lenny Henry leave Britain to live in a “black country”. He was responding Twitter to comments from Henry that there were not enough ethnic minority faces on the BBC. The Ukip candidate tweeted in response: “He should emigrate to a black country. He does not have to live with whites.”

He is not the only candidate to have extreme views revealed in the past week since the party’s manifesto was launched. A Ukip Camden candidate Magnus Nielsen [pictured] wrote on Facebook that most mosques in the UK have been “taken over” by “fundamentalists”. “Islam is organised crime under religious camouflage. Any Muslim who is not involved in organised crime is not a ‘true believer’, practising Islam as Mohammed commanded,” he wrote on his page.

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UKIP candidate compares Islam to Nazism

A UKIP candidate has defended tweets in which he said comedian Lenny Henry should emigrate to a “black country” and compared Islam to the Third Reich.

William Henwood, who is standing in a council election, said he did not think the messages were offensive. He tweeted after Henry said there should be more black and ethnic minority people in creative industries.

UKIP said it was a “non-racist, non-sectarian party whose members are expected to uphold these values”.

Mr Henwood told BBC political correspondent Ross Hawkins: “I think if black people come to this country and don’t like mixing with white people why are they here? If he (Henry) wants a lot of blacks around go and live in a black country.”

On another occasion Mr Henwood tweeted: “Islam reminds me of the 3rd Reich Strength through violence against the citizens.”

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High street lawyers to get formal training in Islamic Sharia law

That’s the headline to an article in today’s Sunday Telegraph, which resumes the paper’s hysterical campaign against the Law Society’s supposed complicity in the Islamification of the UK. As before, Baroness Cox is quoted as an authority. And what illustration did the Telegraph choose to accompany their report? Yes, it was the one below, of a group of Anjem Choudary’s supporters.

Telegraph Sharia for Britain

An ideological war against UK Muslims in schools?

Assed Baig analyses the hysteria around the supposed “Trojan Horse” plot by Islamists to take over Birmingham schools. He points out that Michael Gove’s background of Islamophobia (he is the author of the scaremongering anti-Islam book Celsius 7/7 and a member of the right-wing think-tanks Policy Exchange and the Henry Jackson Society) renders the education secretary incapable of examining the issues in an objective fashion.

Anadolu Agency, 25 April 2014