55% of public favour complete ban on niqab, poll finds

Channe 4 ComRes niqab poll

British people are broadly opposed to the niqab – the full-face veil which shows only the wearer’s eyes – being worn in any public place, exclusive research for Channel 4 News reveals.

An exclusive ComRes poll for Channel 4 News showed that more than half of the public believe women should not be allowed to wear the niqab in public – with 55 per cent backing an outright ban similar to the one in France.

An even greater proportion, 81 per cent, say they support a ban on wearing the niqab in certain public places, such as schools, courts or hospitals.

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How Quilliam joined former EDL leader in spreading false rumour about cheap ‘Muslim only’ football tickets

The harassment and abuse of Muslim spectators at a West Ham United football match last Saturday, during which they were subjected to shouts of “fucking Pakis, go home” and “E, E, EDL”, has been widely reported.

Fuel was subsequently thrown on the fire of anti-Muslim bigotry by claims that the men were at the ground because the club had offered tickets at a specially reduced price for Muslims. As Steve Rose has written in an article posted on the Tell Mama website:

Social media soon became a hotbed of conspiracy theories about West Ham trying to ‘Islamify’ their support by offering heavily discounted tickets to Muslims.  There was genuine anger from many over this ‘two-tier’ ticketing.

However, this is untrue. West Ham sells discounted tickets for British soldiers and periodically offers ‘kids for a quid’ specials. There was no special ‘Muslim’ discount. Such anger might be indicative of an underlying Islamophobia in some supporters.

These tickets are routinely offered to local community groups and are available to all. Not everyone who purchased these £5 tickets was Muslim. It was merely a reflection of that community (for example, some were Eastern European and non-Muslim Asian). There was no conspiracy. West Ham was simply making football more affordable.

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Newcastle nurse attacked while wearing Muslim headscarf

Khadija MohamedA Muslim nurse has spoken out after a religiously-motivated attack in the grounds of the Freeman Hospital. The incident happened in May 2013, just two days after the murder of drummer Lee Rigby, but Khadija Mohamed, 22, has now chosen to speak out.

She said: “I felt a tug on the back of my scarf and noticed I was on the floor. A middle aged man was standing over me saying ‘You’re one of them, you’re one of them,’ really aggressively.”

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Give Muslim free school more time, plead parents

Al-Madinah School nameplateA new parents’ group set up to support Derby’s failing Muslim free school is to petition the Government for time to turn the school around.

The Parents and Friends of Al Madinah School has been formed following a meeting of mums and dads last weekend in the wake of a damning report by Ofsted – the Office for Standards in Education. It called the school, which has sites in Nelson Street and Friar Gate, “dysfunctional”, “in chaos” and “inadequate”, placing it in special measures.

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Bradford Council refuses to back bid to ban English Defence League

EDL Bradford8
English Defence League demonstration in Bradford in 2010

Bradford Council last night refused to support the banning of the English Defence League (EDL).

Councillor Alyas Karmani (Respect, Little Horton) called for the proscription of the “racist and fascist organisation” who came to Bradford to protest earlier this month.

But Council leader David Green (Lab) said: “I think proscription at this stage is a step too far.” He also slammed the EDL as “racist thugs”.

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Terror alert issued over far-right ‘lone wolves’

Pavlo Lapshyn nail bomb
Remains of the nail bomb that Pavlo Lapshyn planted outside the Kanz-ul-Iman Central Jamia Mosque in Tipton

The terrorist threat from extreme right-wing “lone wolves” is on the increase and growing in potency, one of the Government’s most senior security officials warned yesterday.

Individual terrorists driven by hatred of immigrants and Muslims are assessed as being more skilled in making and using explosives, firearms and poisons while also being harder to track than Islamist terrorist cells.

Police and intelligence services stepped up monitoring of the far-right threat after Anders Breivik’s massacre in Norway in 2011 and have reviewed measures again this year after the murder of an elderly Muslim man and bomb attacks on mosques in the West Midlands.

Pavlo Lapshyn, 25, had been in Britain for only five days before he murdered Mohammed Saleem, 82, in Birmingham in April and embarked on his bombing campaign. He pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey yesterday and will be sentenced on Friday.

Lapshyn’s ability to act alone and the speed at which he began his self-styled mission “to increase racial conflict” after arriving in Birmingham on a work placement has alarmed police and security agencies.

“The extreme right-wing terrorist threat is a threat of lone actors – but lone actor threats are often more challenging because groups often have weaknesses, whereas determined lone actors rarely do,” Charles Farr, director-general of the Office for Security and Counter-terrorism, said. “They are lone actors but often more proficient than actors who we may see at the other end of the terrorist spectrum.”

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Muslims harassed as they pray at Upton Park

Muslims praying at Upton ParkThis is the “disturbing” moment when West Ham fans turned on their own Muslim supporters as they prayed just before half-time at Saturday’s match against Manchester City.

The small group of Muslim supporters were kneeling eastwards and bowing their heads in the concourse of the Sir Trevor Brooking Stand at Upton Park, east London, when they were spotted by fellow fans.

They were conducting their Mahgrib prayers at about 6pm – the fourth of devout Muslims’ five prayers a day. It was about 10 minutes before half-time and the concourse was relatively quiet.

The supporters, who are understood not to have made any complaint, had been invited to the club as part of a highly commended initiative to forge closer links with local community groups. As such the sight of fans praying would have been unusual. They were met first by disbelief, then swearing and finally by increasingly loud chants of “Irons”, the club’s nickname, apparently intended to drown out the prayers.

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Catholic church sold to Muslims after it was forced to shut over lack of worshippers

That’s the headline to a report in the Daily Express. St Peter’s Catholic church in Stoke-on-Trent has closed due to a declining congregation and the building has been sold to “a local Muslim community”.

Though the article itself is fairly innocuous, the headline was evidently chosen in order to reinforce an “Islamification of Britain” narrative. So it’s hardly surprising that it was taken up by the English Defence League:

EDL Catholic Church sold to Muslims

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