74-year-old man sentenced for shots at neighbors

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — A judge has sentenced a 74-year-old man to 30 years in prison for firing a shotgun at his southern Indiana neighbors who he had become convinced were Islamic terrorists.

Monroe County Judge Kenneth Todd said during Thursday’s sentencing hearing he believed Robert Walp of Gosport was delusional when he attacked the married couple and their 12-year-old son who were his longtime neighbors in the rural area north of Bloomington.

A jury convicted Walp in July on three counts of attempted murder for the May 2013 attack. The Herald-Times reports Walp’s neighbors weren’t wounded and mental health experts determined he was sane and able to understand events taking place around him.

Walp told the judge he didn’t commit the crimes and was considering whether to appeal his convictions.

Associated Press, 28 August 2014

Indiana: CAIR calls for attack on Muslim woman to be investigated as hate crime

Bouchra BahdaA leading US Muslim advocacy group has called for investigating a possible hate-crime attack against a veiled Muslim woman who has been struck in an Indiana store a few weeks ago.

“Without an alternative theory for the motive of the attacker, anti-Muslim bias based on the victim’s ethnicity and religious attire must be investigated by law enforcement authorities,” Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in a statement obtained by OnIslam.net on Saturday, August 23.

Bouchra Bahda, the Muslim mother of two, was attacked form from behind last Ramadan when a young man struck her with a hard downswipe on the shoulder outside a Wal-Mart store in Indiana.

The Muslim woman and her husband, both native Moroccans, were accompanying kids to shopping in the Wal-Mart in Avon where the assault happened.

“What was he thinking?” Abdelhakim Ejjair, the husband who moved to the US in 1998 told Indystar. “Does he hate Muslims? I just want know what was in his head. What was the reason?”

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South Park creator sings song at ‘Ground Zero mosque’ protest – shock revelation

The report by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero on yesterday’s right-wing protest against the Park51 development features the astonishing news that “Trey Parker sang his original song about stopping the Ground Zero Mosque”. Presumably they mean Trade Martin. Martin’s song has been ridiculed as the sort of tasteless parody that the creators of South Park might come up with, and it would appear that the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero agrees.

Mordechai Kedar joins Geller at pro-Israel, anti-Islam rally

Mordechai Kedar at AFDI rally August 2014Yesterday Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s American Freedom Defense Initiative held a rally in Union Square, New York, under the slogan “We the living support Israel”.

In an apparent attempt to boost turnout – even Geller must be aware that the vast majority of New York’s Jewish community, including committed supporters of the state of Israel, will have nothing to do with her – the event was subtitled “And minorities persecuted under Islamic rule”.

According to Geller, an individual who enjoys at best a tenuous relationship with reality, the event attracted “thousands” of AFDI supporters, though it’s odd that her website contains no pictures of this vast throng. From photographic evidence, it looks as though the attendance was at most a couple of hundred. A report at the Huffington Post puts it at “around 150”.

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Kevin Sorbo thinks bombing a mosque is a joke

Kevin Sorbo as HerculesKevin Sorbo, former star of the TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, is fond of denouncing the liberal consensus in Hollywood and has set himself up as a spokesperson for the Christian right.

He is particularly outraged by political correctness, which he claims is “melting our moral compass” and results in discrimination against Christianity in favour of Islam. “I don’t understand this ‘please embrace the Muslim religion, but not Christians'”, he complains.

In 2010 Sorbo fronted a documentary, produced by the Christian film company Cloud Ten Pictures, entitled The 12 Biggest Lies. Along with “men and women are equal” and “the earth is billions of years old”, these supposed lies included “Islam is a religion of peace”. Among the “experts” who appeared in the documentary were notorious Islamophobes such as Nonie Darwish.

One of them, Jack Kinsella of the Christian Zionist Hal Lindsey Ministries, derided what he called “the popular myth” that the majority of Muslims are non-violent. “If you’re going to use the Muslim definition of what is a good Muslim, then Osama bin Laden is a good Muslim,” he asserted.

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#WelcomeHomeTalha Summer Rally – Tomorrow

Talha Ahsan rally

A rally to celebrate the homecoming of Talha Ahsan and the resilience of his family-led campaign, the justice movement making Free Talha Ahsan campaign , a diverse, multi-faith community of solidarity and resistance uniting so many people from across Britian and Internationally.

“Wasn’t great to say goodbye?” boasted Theresa May in the cruel extradition of Talha Ahsan. Talha is a British-born citizen, who suffers from Aspergers syndrome like Gary Mckinnon, was extradited to indefinite solitary confinement in US Supermax prison housing death row inmate after over 6 years of detention without trial, charge or prima facie evidence in the UK.

Now it is time to say #WelcomeHomeTalha

Let all gather together to say “SHAME ON YOU, Theresa May”.

Talha was declared a free man by a US judge on 16th July and was transferred to US immigration custody where he awaits – celebrating a month of freedom.

US-UK EXTRADITION is ruining the lives of too many British citizens and guests – and must be reformed urgently.

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New Jersey Muslim reported to Homeland Security over ‘ISIS’ flag

Marc LeibowitzA photo of a New Jersey home flying a flag that resembled the flag of ISIS, the militant group being bombed by U.S. planes in Iraq, sparked alarm and a complaint to the Department of Homeland Security – but the home’s occupant said he meant no offense and was just expressing his religion.

Mark Dunaway told ABC News that he’s flown that black flag for the 10 years he’s lived in Garwood, New Jersey. “I’m Muslim, and I fly a flag in front of my home that says I’m a Muslim,” he said.

Dunaway has flown the black flag – which bears the Arabic inscription familiar to Muslims, “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God” – every year during Ramadan, and every single Friday, he said. Having already had the flag up during Ramadan, he originally planned to keep it up until Friday.

However, after the Garwood Police Department received a complaint about the flag, officers visited Dunaway’s home on Tuesday. “The Garwood Police follow up with any complaint received,” Police Chief Bruce Underhill said in a statement to ABC News.

“Police came by that day on a matter of safety,” Dunaway said, “I had no idea until they pointed it out to me. My reaction was, ‘Are you serious?’”

“Mr. Dunaway was very receptive when we approached him with our concerns and he voluntarily took the flag down,” said Chief Underhill.

Dunaway, surprised at the complaint, realized the extent of the controversy when he saw the photo of his home posted on Twitter. “It totally caught me off guard that someone was offended to that extent,” Dunaway said.

Marc Leibowitz, who posted the photo to Twitter, told ABC News that he was sent the photo by a friend and alerted Homeland Security. Leibowitz said he doubted a member of ISIS would openly fly the flag, but that the situation was “disturbing and worth looking into,” and that he “thought Homeland Security and any relevant authorities should probably be notified.”

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Israeli scholar says outcry over his rape remarks has not hurt planned U.S. tour

Mordechai Kedar with Geller and Spencer at SION conference
Mordechai Kedar with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer at Stop Islamization of Nations conference in New York in 2012

An Israeli scholar who has come under fire for discussing rape as a hypothetical deterrent to Hamas terrorism says the controversy over his remarks has done little to dampen interest in his planned speaking tour next year at college campuses and other sites in the United States.

Mordechai Kedar, a senior lecturer in Arabic literature at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, said in an interview on Israeli radio last month that terrorists can be deterred only by the threat of their mothers and sisters being raped. Both he and the university said he was not advocating rape, just describing reality, but his comments have been widely denounced as having the potential to incite war crimes.

In an interview on Friday, Mr. Kedar said his comments had been oversimplified and taken out of context. The denunciations, he said, have only raised his profile and increased interest in having him speak during his planned 45-day tour of North America in January and February. No organization has canceled any of his planned appearances, he said. In fact, he added, “at least two or three places invited me only because of this witch hunt.”

Although many colleges and campus organizations have not yet booked speakers for the coming academic year, Mr. Kedar said so far he has been asked to appear at academic events in Ann Arbor, Mich., and in Sarasota, Fla., and to give a talk sponsored by Ohio State University.

Mr. Kedar did not provide details about his Ann Arbor or Sarasota engagements. Matt Goldish, a professor of history and director of the Melton Center for Jewish Studies at Ohio State University, said his center is sponsoring a talk by Mr. Kedar at a local community center. The center initially had booked Mr. Kedar to speak last January on the subject of Arab media but canceled the event because of poor weather.

Asked about Mr. Kedar’s recent remarks about rape, Mr. Goldish said his center is “a little bit concerned” about the comments but “not concerned enough that we would cancel him.”

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Manassas Mosque vandalized in possible hate crime

Manassas Mosque vandalism (2)A Prince William County mosque was vandalized Monday night or early Tuesday, and Muslim leaders described the incident as a hate crime.

Abu Nahidian, the imam at Manassas Mosque, said he arrived Tuesday morning to find an expletive written twice in spray paint on the windows of the mosque that he helped found 20 years ago. Eight windows were defaced, and a glass door was shattered. Because the mosque has a double set of doors, the house of worship could not be entered, Nahidian said.

The mosque has been vandalized before when tensions in the United States ran high over violence in the Middle East, Nahidian said. The last previous incident was three years ago.

“We do not hurt anybody. If those with our names are doing something, why should I become the victim? You haven’t seen me doing anything,” he said. “We are a part of the whole earth, and we love the whole earth.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations issued a statement characterizing the vandalism as a possible hate crime and asking police to investigate.

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FBI targeted mentally disabled Muslim American citizens

FBI-NYPD JTTFHuman Rights Watch report, documenting abuses in US terrorism investigations, has illuminated some incredibly dubious practices carried out by law enforcement.

The report looks at investigations that began shortly after 9/11 and have carried on until the present day.

One disturbing practice, which seems to pop up over and over in the report, is the targeting of those with mental disabilities to ‘create’ crimes. This occurs during ‘sting’ operations, when agents pose as members of the Muslim American community, infiltrating mosques.

In an average sting operation, an undercover agent finds a suspect who they think is, say, selling illegal arms. They approach them and gather information, waiting for a crime to unfold.

However, when it comes to counter-terrorism operations, law enforcement officers have been accused of breaching this time-honored system, using a subject’s mental disability to actually foster terrorism. You read that right, by the way – counter-terrorism efforts are being used to foster terrorism.

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