Watertown, NY: CAIR calls for FBI investigation into vandalism of Muslim’s vehicle

Issa Alzouma's car vandalisedThe Council on American-Islamic Relations on Wednesday called for the FBI to aid in the investigation of a vandalism incident involving a black Muslim man’s vehicle in the city on Saturday.

Watertown resident Issa Alzouma’s 2003 Chevrolet Avalanche had its windshield shattered, and the front- and back-seat windows on the driver’s side smashed. A note left on the windshield contained several racist and anti-Islamic slurs. The note also called on him to quit his job as a security guard with Securitas Security Services at the Dulles State Office Building.

“The racial and religious slurs used in this act of violence clearly indicate a need to investigate a bias motive,” said Sadyia Khalique, the director of operations for the organization’s state chapter. “By adding its resources to the investigation of this case, the FBI will send a message that hate-motivated acts of anti-Muslim violence will not be tolerated.”

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Islamic Center celebrates reopening after arson

Islamic Center of Greater ToledoNearly 15 months after an Indiana man set fire to the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, members of the mosque will celebrate a “Grand Reopening” and express their thanks to the public with tours and a dinner program Dec. 14.

“For our own community, it’s a chance to come together just to say, ‘Good! We’re finished! We’re done!’ And it’s also to thank the community for everything,” said Cherrefe Kadri, president of the mosque. “It’s a joyous celebration.”

The arson attack occurred Sept. 30, 2012, when 52-year-old Randy Linn of St. Joe, Ind., drove to the mosque, poured gasoline on the prayer room carpet and set it ablaze. He told U.S. District Court Judge Jack Zouhary that he was drunk and angry at Muslims after seeing a TV news broadcast about wounded American soldiers.

“That day, Sept. 30th, that wasn’t me,” Linn said at his sentencing. “I mean, it was me that did it, but it’s not me usually. I was drinking a lot.”

The blaze was so intense that it melted a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and set off emergency sprinklers throughout the 60,000-square-foot building. Repairs from the fire, smoke and water damage have reached $1.6 million, Kadri said, all covered by insurance.

Linn pleaded guilty and was sentenced in April to 20 years in federal prison, and was ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution.

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Tennessee Lieutenant Governor says Islam advocates violence and Muslims refuse to condemn 9/11 hijackers

Ron RamseyLt. Gov. Ron Ramsey says in an interview with the student journalism program at Middle Tennessee State University that the Sept. 11 hijackers were members of a cult and he doesn’t think other Muslims are willing to call them that.

Ramsey’s comments, posted on YouTube, has earned the Republican speaker of the state Senate a rebuke from the Council on American Islamic Relations.

Responding to a question about the Rutherford County mosque controversy, Ramsey said that although “you can’t lump everybody into one bucket, at the same time there is an aspect of the Muslim religion that does advocate violence.”

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Geller: Oppose resolution condemning ethnic cleansing in Burma

Pamela Geller is telling her fellow anti-Muslim activists to convince Congress to reject a resolution “urging the Government of Burma to end the persecution of the Rohingya people and respect internationally recognized human rights for all ethnic and religious minority groups within Burma.”

The Rohingya minority have faced vicious persecution in Burma, but Geller accuses them of “waging jihad in Burma.”

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Tommy Robinson – ally in the defence of Judeo-Christian civilisation, or pawn of the stealth jihadists? Geller has difficulty making up her mind

Lennon, Spencer and Geller in StockholmIt’s becoming almost impossible to keep up with the twists and turns of Pamela Geller’s relationship with former English Defence League leader Stephen Lennon (“Tommy Robinson”).

When Lennon announced his break with the EDL in October, Geller immediately issued a statement enthusiastically welcoming that development and declared that she looked forward to working with him in the future. But within days she was angrily denouncing Lennon for selling out to the Quilliam Foundation and publicly repudiated him in the harshest possible language. “It has become painfully obvious that the enemies of freedom have broken Tommy Robinson …”, a furious Geller wrote. “Now he is the poster boy for the stealth jihad.”

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Trial begins in legal challenge to no-fly list

Rahinah Ibrahim (2)An eight-year legal odyssey by a Malaysian university professor to clear her name from the U.S. government’s no-fly list went to trial Monday in federal court in San Francisco.

Rahinah Ibrahim claims she was mistakenly placed on the list because of her national origin and Muslim faith. She has fought in court since her arrest at San Francisco International Airport in January 2005 to clear her name.

Several similar lawsuits are pending across the nation, but Ibrahim’s legal challenge appears to be the first to go to trial.

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Anti-Islam activist Pam Geller says Pope Francis ‘sanctions savagery’

Geller claims pope sanctions savagery

Anti-Islam activist and blogger Pamela Geller lashed out at Pope Francis on Tuesday, claiming he condoned violence against Christians.

“At a time when Christianity worldwide is under siege by Islamic jihadists, the leader of the Catholic Church claims that the quran teaches non-violence. As Christians across the Muslim world live in abject terror and fear kidnapping, rape and slaughter to the bloodcurdling cries of ‘Allahu akbar,’ the pope gives papal sanction to the savage,” she wrote at her blog.

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