Bulletin board at Wichita school showing Five Pillars of Islam removed

Five Pillars of IslamA bulletin board at a Wichita elementary school that illustrated the Five Pillars of Islam has been removed “because of the misunderstanding that has been promoted by … one photograph,” district officials said Monday.

The bulletin board at Minneha Core Knowledge Magnet Elementary was intended to aid students’ study of major religions of the world, district spokeswoman Susan Arensman said in an e-mail. It featured five white, construction-paper columns and the words, “The Five Pillars of Islam.”

A photograph of the bulletin board, reportedly taken on the first day of school Wednesday, was posted over the weekend on a Facebook page titled “Prepare to Take America Back.” It has since been shared on several conservative blogs.

“Students at Minneha Core Knowledge Elementary School in Wichata (sic) Kansas were met with this their first day of school,” a caption under the photo said. “This is a school that banned all forms of Christian prayer. … This can not stand.”

As of Monday, the photo had been shared more than 3,500 times.

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Illinois: Police anti-terrorism class cancelled following protest by CAIR

Sam Kharoba Law Enforcement GuidePolice training officials have called off a local anti-terrorism class for officers after protests from a Muslim civil liberties group called the course’s instructor “notorious(ly) anti-Muslim.”

Officers from various local departments had been scheduled to attend instructor Sam Kharoba’s class, “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy,” Monday at Lombard Village Hall. But late last week the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called for the training’s cancellation.

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Oklahoma anti-Shariah amendment struck down

A federal judge has struck down Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment that would have prohibited judges in the state from considering Shariah law.

The amendment was approved by about 70 percent of Oklahoma voters on November 2, 2010, but the American Civil Liberties Union and the Council on American-Islamic Relations sued to block the amendment, arguing it violated separation of church and state and discriminated against Muslims.

A U.S. District Court judge agreed and issued a temporary injunction against the amendment. That decision was upheld in 2011 by a federal appeals court that returned the case to the judge, who made the final ruling Thursday (Aug. 15).

“It is our hope that, in finding this anti-Islam law unconstitutional, lawmakers in other states will think twice before proposing anti-Muslim laws of their own,” said Gadeir Abbas, a CAIR staff attorney and counsel for the plaintiffs.

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‘Not in Mulberry’: Opposition in Florida to Terry Jones’ latest Qur’an burning stunt

A small group of Mulberry residents are organizing protests against a planned burning of nearly 3,000 Qurans at a home near Mulberry planned for Sept. 11.

Terry Jones, a Florida pastor known for sparking protests in Afghanistan after previously burning one Muslim holy book, said he plans to burn a book for every person killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The group, whose name says it all, has one message for the world: Not in Mulberry. “The bottom line is we don’t want people to think of ­Mulberry as a racist, hateful town,” said the group’s organizer, Suzanne Carter-Moore. “We are peace-loving and accepting and love each other.”

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Florida: Talk by anti-Islam hatemonger draws nearly 200

A controversial University of Central Florida professor spoke before a full audience Tuesday night and warned that there is a “civilization jihad” being waged by Islamic fundamentalists on local, academic and political fronts.

“They’ll try to whitewash the crimes that Muslims have done,” said associate professor Jonathan Matusitz, speaking before an Act! Space Coast meeting of nearly 200 people in the Brevard County Commissioner’s meeting room in Viera.

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Mass. bar examiners to review religious wear rules

The Boston Globe reports on the case of Iman Abdulrazzak, the young Muslim woman who was asked to remove her headscarf during a bar exam:

Marilyn Wellington, executive director of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners, called the mix-up “very unfortunate” and said the board takes responsibility for the mistake.

She said the board may consider revising its rule requiring prior authorization for religious headwear. The rule was established to prevent people from concealing notes or other information that could be used to cheat on the exam, she said, not to inhibit religious practice.

Freedom of Speech does not mean accepting voices of incivility

The First Amendment is one of the most cherished hallmarks of America. There is no other nation on earth that has such a robust right for citizens to articulate their thoughts – including scientific discourse, the ability to challenge the government, and even expressions of hatred and bigotry.

Eastern Michigan University recently hosted a debate on Islam in which an anti-Muslim critic named Robert Spencer was the key participant. People ranging from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to prominent rabbis have criticized anti-Muslim intolerance spewed by Spencer and his affiliate organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative.

I believe that Spencer has the fundamental right to speak hatefully about fellow Americans. I also know that people of goodwill have the right not to engage him in his rhetoric. Moreover, we have the right to challenge his bigotry by not granting him dignified platforms.

Passivity in the face of hate speech has cumulative consequences. Words matter, and discrimination is inspired by those who have loud voices that repeat sweeping false generalizations and stereotypes.

Dawud Walid of CAIR writes at the Detroit News blog, 13 August 2013

See also “Debaters at EMU spar over whether Islam promotes violence”, Detroit News, 10 August 2013

And “Islam debate held on EMU campus”, Eastern Echo, 13 August 2013

‘No Muslim Parking’ signs appear in Houston

No Muslim Parking signMembers of a Houston mosque were outraged last week when a local shopping center posted signs with the slogan “No Muslim parking.”

The “No Muslim parking” signs were reportedly posted on Thursday morning throughout the area shared by Houston’s El Farouq Mosque and the Westview Shopping Center, a local strip mall, television station KPRC reports.

Each sign was emblazoned with the following message: “No Muslim parking in the Westview Shopping Center. Your car will be towed.” The signs were so offensive that they were taken down by Thursday afternoon.

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UCF prof accused of anti-Muslim teachings blasted again by America-Islamic advocacy group

Jonathan Matusitz with Geller and GaffneyAn American-Islamic advocacy group is asking Brevard County not to allow “an anti-Muslim hate group” to use a commission meeting room in Viera on Tuesday for a speech by a controversial University of Central Florida professor.

“It creates the perception of endorsement and approval by the Brevard County government of this group’s hateful views,” said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR].

Jonathan Matusitz, an associate professor at UCF, is set to speak at an ACT! For Space Coast Florida meeting in a county room during a session titled “The Islamic Threat to America.” ACT! Space Coast Florida is a chapter of a national organization that warns the public of what it describes as “radical Islam.”

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Mike Huckabee goes all-in on Islamophobia, calls Muslims ‘animals’

Mike HuckabeeNever one to let facts interfere with his opinions, Mike Huckabee recently compared Muslims on holy days to “uncorked animals.” The benighted former Arkansas governor made the comments on his radio show Wednesday, saying that Muslims emerging from mosques on Fridays, the day of prayer, “come out of there like uncorked animals, throwing rocks and burning cars”.

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