EDL Jewish division leader needs geography lesson

James Cohen, the recently appointed leader of the English Defence League’s Jewish division, has a post over at the International Free Press Society’s website attacking the 8-month sentence imposed on an EDL member, one Daniel Parker, who chanted racist slogans outside a mosque in South Yorkshire.

Bizarrely, Cohen heads his report “EDL supporter jailed for 8 months for chanting outside a London Mosque”. I mean, I know the EDL’s support within Anglo-Jewry is so minimal that they have to appoint a Canadian as the head of JDiv, but is Cohen really so ignorant of the country whose Jewish community he’s supposed to represent that he thinks London is in Yorkshire?

Cohen also complains that the Sheffield Star editorial he reproduces “gives little to none in terms of information that would indicate what this person actually did”. Well, let us fill in some of the details for him. According to a report in the Yorkshire Post, Daniel Parker was part of an EDL gang who besieged the Muslim Community Centre in Barnsley, throwing stones at the building and subjecting the imam to what the judge who sentenced Parker described as “vile and disgusting” racist abuse.

On their Facebook page, by the way, Barnsley EDL state: “Our arguement is not against normal muslim people but extremists preaching hate on our streets/harbouring terrorists and encouraging the formation of an islamic state within our shores. Despite constant bad press claiming we are racist this is completely inaccurate….”