ENGAGE respond to Gilligan’s Sunday Telegraph smears

AndrewGilliganENGAGE have written to the Sunday Telegraph in response to the contemptible article by Andrew Gilligan in last week’s edition of the paper. Read their letter here.

Meanwhile Gilligan has announced that he is going away for three weeks – “to hot foreign parts, on a most secret mission”.

Gosh. I wonder where that might be. Perhaps Gilligan is off to Egypt to help Mubarak to hang on to power by smearing the Muslim Brotherhood?

More likely, I think, to Bangladesh, to dig up some material on Jamaat-e-Islami to fuel his campaign against the East London Mosque. (Last week Gilligan did an interview with Bangladeshi prime minister and Awami League leader Hasina Wazed during her visit to London, which for some reason hasn’t yet appeared in the Telegraph.)