GOP congressional candidate’s campaign manager resigns over bigoted tweets

A Republican congressional candidate in Indianapolis said his campaign manager resigned after making disparaging comments about gays, Muslims and others on a social networking site.

GOP candidate and Butler University professor Marvin Scott said Tuesday that he knew Stan Solomon had controversial ideas because he once hosted a radio talk show, but he said he didn’t know Solomon was making such offensive comments on Twitter.

“I didn’t know anything about it,” said Scott, an underdog in the race against Democrat Rep. AndrĂ© Carson in the heavily Democratic 7th District. “I don’t know Twitter from litter.

Solomon’s recent tweets include “Gay stands for Got AIDS Yet,” ”Islam is the enemy you fools” and “Time to hurt these anti war sickos.” He also used the N-word (both Carson and Scott are black), called Carson a radical Muslim socialist, said Islam is evil and disgusting and said it was time to burn and “nuke” the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

NewsOK, 14 September 2010

You might have thought that Marvin Scott would sympathise with at least some of Solomon’s views, given his own record of whipping up Islamophobia in his campaign against AndrĂ© Carson, one of the only two Muslims in Congress (along with Keith Ellison).