Is your professor an Islamophobe?

Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist and professor at the London School of Economics. Although his research as a scientist has ruffled some feathers in the past, his attempts as a “public intellectual” are indisputably inflammatory. In a recent article entitled, “What’s Wrong with Muslims” published in his blog hosted by Psychology Today, Kanazawa wrote:

Major Nidal Malik Hasan is a native-born American citizen, trained military officer, and educated MD and psychiatrist. Yet none of these things matters for him; first and foremost, he is a Muslim…They are all united in their values and goals by their singular identity of being Muslims. It’s tempting to dismiss these observations by saying that [he and others implicated in terrorism plots] are all ‘extremists’ or ‘Jihadists.’ That would be politically correct and comforting, but factually inaccurate.

In his very next article he boasts:

No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but…half of Muslims worldwide are terrorists and active supporters of terrorism, who would encourage their sons, brothers, and nephews to blow themselves up in an airplane or in a crowded market.

Kanazawa is just one in a growing number of academics using his intellectual identity to promote intolerance and xenophobia against Islam and Muslims.

Abdulrahman El-Sayed in the Huffington Post, 2 February 2010