‘Islamofascist’ on mission to Iraq

“Hopes for the release of a British hostage seized in Iraq last month were given a boost last night as prominent Sunni Muslim groups condemned the kidnapping. Five Sunni organisations announced they opposed the kidnapping of peace activist Norman Kember. The move followed the arrival in Baghdad yesterday of Anas Altikriti, a prominent member of the British anti-war movement [and the Muslim Association of Britain] who is leading talks to free Kember. Despite fears for his safety, Altrikiti’s initial attempts to persuade Kember’s kidnappers to release him appeared to produce immediate results. Sunni organisations were persuaded to issue a statement condemning the kidnappings and calling for the hostages’ release.”

Observer, 4 December 2005

Yes, like Dr al-Qaradawi before him, we have a leading representative of so-called “Islamofascism” campaigning for the release of western hostages in Iraq.