Kingston students become fifth to officially condemn ‘Student Rights’ group

Kingston university students passed a motion against the Henry Jackson Society front group ‘Student Rights’ last night at their annual ‘Big Student Meeting’.

The SU becomes the fifth in the country to formally condemn the activities of the group, following motions at four University of London institutions: LSE, Goldsmiths, UCL and Birkbeck.

Students at the meeting who support the ‘Real Student Rights’ campaign said the Vice Chancellor of the university was also in attendance and witnessed students vote unanimously in favour of the motion.

The agenda of the meeting is here and the motion itself here. This post will be updated with a link showing that it has passed into policy at KUSU as soon as it becomes available.

For now congratulations to Kingston students for becoming part of the fightback against the ironically named ‘Student Rights’ group, which has whipped up a fair amount of sensationalist media coverage about the university and won’t like being given a taste of its own medicine.

Students for Real Student Rights, 28 February 2014

*UPDATE 3/3/2014Link to meeting minutes showing the motion passed unopposed*