Michael Graham has a whinge

“I made the one move certain to endanger my career: I told the truth about a minority group. And in the politically correct nation we live in today, that’s the fast track to the unemployment line…. I was fired, according to the termination letter I received from ABC Radio, for ‘offensive’ comments I made on the air regarding Islam and terrorism. Coincidentally, all of the comments deemed offensive by the Council of [sic] American-Islamic Relations were listed in my ABC disciplinary memo.

“I was also fired, according to ABC management, for my refusal to apologize for said comments. They further ordered me to agree to ‘additional outreach efforts’ to those ‘offended’ by my opinions. Would I be flipping burgers at the local mosque? Singing ‘Kumbaya’ with CAIR? Hugs for Hamas? Management wouldn’t say.”

Townhall.com, 23 August 2005