Speaking nonsense about Islam

In response to Anjem Choudary’s inflammatory comments on the Jewel of Medina controversy the Daily Telegraph poses the question:

“Isn’t it time that moderate Muslims spoke out loud and long against the way a tiny minority of zealots can dominate the political debate and constantly depict Islam as intolerant and bigoted, when, in reality, those words apply only to its most extreme, blinkered adherents.”

What planet do Torygraph leader writers live on? Mainstream Muslim organisations have repeatedly condemned Choudary and his minuscule sect.

The real question is this: why does the Torygraph give headline coverage to the idiocies spouted by an unrepresentative nutter like Choudhary while ignoring the reasoned and measured arguments of, say, Inayat Bunglawala – who as a leading figure in the Muslim Council of Britain actually represents a broad swathe of opinion within the UK’s Muslim communities.

If anyone is responsible for the situation in which “a tiny minority of zealots can dominate the political debate and constantly depict Islam as intolerant and bigoted” it is the journalists who produce warped media coverage like that.