The dehumanization of American Muslims

“Dehumanization is defined as a process by which members of a group of people assert the ‘inferiority’ of another group through subtle or overt acts or statements. Dehumanization may be directed by an organization or may be the composite of individual sentiments and actions.

“A coalition of anti-Muslim bigots have formed that sit at their computers full time seeking out news – no matter how vague – of bad Muslim behavior to demonstrate to their growing numbers of readers that all Muslims are irreparably evil…

“Their blogs are growing in readership. They are coming out with more and more best selling books smearing and slandering Islam and the Muslims, and are continuously invited back to major media outlets to promote their books and offer their ‘expertise’ on Islam.”

Tariq Nelson at The American Muslim, 11 December 2006

See also “Dennis Prager’s rant exposes raw hate”, by Ahmed Rehab of CAIR.

Media Monitors Network, 7 December 2006