The TUC and the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) have today (Monday) published a joint statement pledging to work together to encourage more Muslims to join trade unions, encourage better community relations and combat Islamophobia, both within workplaces and in society at large.
Commenting on the statement and on his speech to the 138th TUC Congress in Brighton, Secretary General of the MCB, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said:
“The MCB and the TUC have a shared belief in justice, equality and opposition to prejudice. We seek to work in partnership with the TUC and through its networks to enhance an awareness of Islam and counter widespread misunderstandings of how the religion relates to modern society. We will also be using our own networks to raise awareness within the Muslim community of the values of union membership and the very important role which unions have in seeking justice and fair treatment in the workplace and in wider society.”
TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said:
“The TUC looks forward to working with the MCB to encourage more Muslim employees to become union members. Belonging to a union is the best protection an individual can have against prejudice and exploitation at work. We will also be looking at ways of promoting a greater understanding of Islam and to do all we can to combat the hatred currently being stirred up by extremists who are seeking to drive a wedge between the UK’s many communities.”
TUC press release, 11 September 2006
See also MCB press release, 11 September 2006